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Rationality and Criticism in the Views of the Philosophers of the Lvov-Warsaw School and K.R. Popper

From the book Thinking Critically: What Does It Mean?

  • Adam Jonkisz


The article contains a comparative analysis of the Lvov-Warsaw School’s and K.R. Popper’s views on rationality and criticism. The analysis is preceded by clarifications of the notions of rationality and criticism - what they refer to and the relationship between them - to justify the aspects in which these views are compared in the article, i. e. testability, objectivity, and the critical attitude. The results of these analyses lead to the conclusion that in each of these aspects, Popper’s views had better, though lesser known, antecedents in the output of the School’s philosophers; and to a more general assessment: Popper’s views evolved in the direction of the programs and conceptions elaborated by the Lvov-Warsaw School philosophers.

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