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From stereotypes and prejudice to verbal and physical violence: Hate speech in context

  • Monika Kopytowska

    Monika Kopytowska is assistant professor in the Department of Pragmatics at the University of Łódź, Poland. Her research interests revolve around the interface of language and cognition, identity, and the pragma-rhetorical aspects of the mass-mediated representation of religion, ethnicity, and conflict. She has published internationally in linguistic journals and volumes (e.g. [ed.] Contemporary discourses of hate and radicalism across space and genres, Benjamins, 2017, with Yusuf Kalyango [eds.] Why discourse matters, Peter Lang, 2014, and with Christian Karner [eds.], National identity and Europe in times of crisis, Emerald, 2017).

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    and Fabienne Baider

    Fabienne H. Baider is associate professor at the University of Cyprus and works on semantics and discourse from a socio-cognitivist and contrastive perspective (French, English and Greek). Her research includes gender and language, conceptual metaphors and emotions in political discourse, on-line communication and hate speech. Her present focus is on discriminatory practices as well as discourse strategies to achieve leadership. Her methodology includes corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis. She is the coordinator of the C.O.N.T.A.C.T. EU Social justice project (

From the journal Lodz Papers in Pragmatics

About the authors

Monika Kopytowska

Monika Kopytowska is assistant professor in the Department of Pragmatics at the University of Łódź, Poland. Her research interests revolve around the interface of language and cognition, identity, and the pragma-rhetorical aspects of the mass-mediated representation of religion, ethnicity, and conflict. She has published internationally in linguistic journals and volumes (e.g. [ed.] Contemporary discourses of hate and radicalism across space and genres, Benjamins, 2017, with Yusuf Kalyango [eds.] Why discourse matters, Peter Lang, 2014, and with Christian Karner [eds.], National identity and Europe in times of crisis, Emerald, 2017).

Fabienne Baider

Fabienne H. Baider is associate professor at the University of Cyprus and works on semantics and discourse from a socio-cognitivist and contrastive perspective (French, English and Greek). Her research includes gender and language, conceptual metaphors and emotions in political discourse, on-line communication and hate speech. Her present focus is on discriminatory practices as well as discourse strategies to achieve leadership. Her methodology includes corpus linguistics and critical discourse analysis. She is the coordinator of the C.O.N.T.A.C.T. EU Social justice project (


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Published Online: 2017-12-19
Published in Print: 2017-12-20

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