Latest Volume

Volume 15 / 2023

Edited by Vítor Moura and Connell Vaughan

Table of Contents

Complete Volume

Sérgio Pinto Amorim The Forms, the Architect, and the Act of Doing Architecture 1-14
Pedro Borges de Araújo Notes on Aesthetics in Architecture 15-39
Emanuele Arielli AI-aesthetics and the artificial author 40-54
Alessandro Bertinetto Habits of Unexpectedness. Expressiveness in Musical Improvisation (and Beyond) 55-83
Thorstein Botz-Bornstein Guilt and Shame: Ethics and Aesthetic 84-93
Gregorio Fiori Carones Simmel and the Aesthetics of Luxury 94-109
Veronika Darida The Aesthetics of Gesture 110-123
Harry Drummond Pitches and Paintings: A Conferralist Theory of Art 124-138
Hannah Fasnacht Different Levels of Narrative Pictorial Content 139-166
Anna Fech What’s the “New” in “New Extractivism”? Tracing Postdigital Aesthetics in Vladan Joler’s Assemblage 167-184
Stacie Friend Fiction, Belief and Understanding 185-204
Pablo Genazzano General Remarks for a Historical and Systematic Reconstruction of Kant’s Analytic of the Sublime 205-216
Jeffrey Goodman Should We Accept Fictional Universals? 217-233
Peter Hajnal Aesthetic Education and Embodiment: Notes Toward a Cavellian Approach 234-251
Sarah Hegenbart Democratic and aesthetic participation as imposition: On the aesthetics of the collective 252-270
Gizela Horváth Displaying Participatory Art


René Jagnow Multisensory Experience of Paintings


Lev Kreft Resentiment, Artivism and Magic


Efi Kyprianidou Moral disgust and imaginative resistance


Federico Lauria Values in the Air: Musical Contagion, Social Appraisal and Metaphor Experience


Leonardo Lenner From Concept to Image and Vice Versa: the Philosophical Frontispiece


Lukáš Makky Revisiting the concept of the end of art


Martino Manca For the Snark was a Boojum. Towards a Positive Aesthetics of Literary Nonsense


Sofia Miguens The many ways of doing philosophy of architecture (and what they tell us about contemporary philosophy and the place of aesthetics in it)


Davide Mogetta Between Art and Philosophy. Patterns of Baxandall’s Criticism


Francisca Pérez-Carreño Fiction as Representation. Or the Verbal Icon Revisited


Dan Eugen Ratiu Objects at Work: How Do Artefacts Work Aesthetically in Everyday Organizational Life?


Matthew Rowe The Implications of Mistakes About Art: Ontological and Epistemological


Merel Semeijn Common Belief and Make-believe


Thomas Symeonidis On the different meanings of aestheticization


Małgorzata A. Szyszkowska The Impression of Music: Edmund Gurney’s ideas about music in The Power of Sound


Elettra Villani Aesthetic versus functional: overcoming their dichotomy in T. W. Adorno’s Functionalism today


Andrew Wynn Owen Does a plausible construal of aesthetic value give us reason to emphasize some aesthetic practices over others?


Giulia Zerbinati The Truth of Art. A Reflection starting from Hegel and Adorno
