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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

The aesthetic dominant of Anton Chizh’s novel “Don’t trust mirrors”

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2023. Vol. 12. No. 6. Pp. 369-375.
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Lenkova N. R.
Ufa University of Science and Technology
32 Zaki Validi Street, 450076 Ufa, Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia


The relevance and scientific novelty of this article is in an attempt to study the poetics of one of Anton Chizh’s novel “Don’t trust mirrors” (2023). It is proved that this detective novel is built in accordance with the recognizable structure of the genre, but has an unexpected aesthetic dominant - a replica of Jane Austen, who considered the founder of chicklit. For the main character Varvara Vanzarova, Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice” is a universal guide where you can find answers to any questions. Anton Chizh creates ironic portraits of women and tries to assess the reasons for chicklit’s fascination with Jane Austen’s novels. But the author’s gentle humor does not hide the seriousness of the cultural problem. This is also signaled by the ending of the novel, where, in violation of the canon of a love story, there is no happy ending. Anton Chizh proposed in his novel a gender-marked reception of the Jane Austen formula: on the one hand, the heroine tries to translate into theatrical reality the scheme of the love story of Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy; on the other hand, the author-narrator makes amendments and clarifications to the concept of an imaginary women’s performance. Thus, Anton Chizh expanded the genre code of the detective story. The formula detective novel “Don’t trust mirrors” also focused on the chicklit formula due to its aesthetic dominant, determined by Jane Austen’s “Pride and Prejudice”, acquires artistic individuality and stands out from the range of works of mass culture.


  • • Anton Chizh
  • • Jane Austen
  • • Pride and prejudice
  • • detective story
  • • chicklit
  • • aesthetic dominant


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