La literatura de ficción científica y su papel en la sociedad, la investigación y la academia

Entrevista con el prof. Francesco Verso


  • Nicola Liberati Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Department of Philosophy School of Humanities, China
  • Francesco Verso Science Fiction Writer and Editor of Future Fiction, Roma, Italy


Palabras clave:

ficción científica, filosofía de la tecnología


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Biografía del autor/a

Francesco Verso, Science Fiction Writer and Editor of Future Fiction, Roma, Italy

Francesco Verso is a multiple-award Science Fiction writer and editor. He has published: Antidoti umani, e-Doll, Nexhuman, Bloodbusters and I camminatori (made of The Pulldogs and No/Mad/Land). Nexhuman and Bloodbusters – translated in English by Sally McCorry – have been published in the US by Apex Books, in the UK by Luna press and in China for Bofeng. He also works as editor and publisher of Future Fiction, a multicultural project, dedicated to scouting and publishing the best World SF in translation from more than 25 countries and 11 languages with authors like Ian McDonald, Han Song, Ken Liu, Liu Cixin, Vandana Singh, Chen Qiufan, Xia Jia and others. From 2019 he’s the Honorary Director of the Fishing Fortress SF Academy of Chongqing and a literary agent for Future Wave, an agency specialized in import/export of copyright from/to China. He lives in Roma (Italy) and may be found at


Berg, Kirsten;, Torie; Bosch, Joey; Eschrich, Ed; Finn, Andrés; Martinez, and Juliet Ulman, eds. 2019. Future Tense Fiction: Stories of Tomorrow. The Unnamed Press.

Bonfiglioli, Cristina Pontes, and Nicola Liberati. 2021. “Methodological Challenges for a New Philosophy of Technology Interview with Nicola Liberati.” Prometeica.

Chattopadhyay, Bodhisattva, Ana Rüsche, and Francesco Verso, eds. 2022. Meteotopia [Forthcoming]. Future Fiction.

Liberati, Nicola. 2022. “Digital Intimacy in China and Japan: A Phenomenological and Postphenomenological Perspective on Love Relationships at the Time of Digital Technologies in China and Japan.” Human Studies Forthcoming: 1–15.

Mykhailov, Dmytro, and Nicola Liberati. 2022. “A Study of Technological Intentionality in C++ and Generative Adversarial Model: Phenomenological and Postphenomenological Perspectives.” Foundations of Science, March, 1–17.

Verso, Francesco, and Roberto Paura, eds. 2018. Anthropocene. Future Fiction.



Cómo citar

Liberati, N., & Verso, F. . (2022). La literatura de ficción científica y su papel en la sociedad, la investigación y la academia: Entrevista con el prof. Francesco Verso. Prometeica - Revista De Filosofía Y Ciencias, (Especial), 117–122.
##plugins.generic.dates.received## 19/07/2022
##plugins.generic.dates.accepted## 21/07/2022
##plugins.generic.dates.published## 11/08/2022

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