Studia Phaenomenologica

Volume 12, 2012

Possibilities of Embodiment

Carlos Lobo
Pages 399-425

La « résistance de Derrida à la psychanalyse » et la phénoménologie transcendantale

Following Derrida’s late analysis of the multifarious concept of resistance, this article aims at detecting the motives that lead him to install from the start a tension between two methods of analysis of consciousness (phenomenological and psychoanalytical), that many would have considered, if not affectively unbearable, at least logically unsustainable. Yet this general logical and affective attitude remains describable, and in order to do so, the author proposes to delve into some underestimated and hence underexploited resources of transcendental phenomenology, particularly those related to the analysis of affective syntaxes of consciousness, which are part of the “realm of positionality”.