Konsekwencje eksternalistycznego sposobu rozumienia znaczeń wyrażeń językowych oraz treści stanów mentalnych





Semantic externalism is one of the most popular and thoroughly discussed standpoints in the contemporary philosophy of language. Briefly speaking, it is a position which claimes that the meanings of linguistic expressions or contents of mental states depend on the nature of beings that exist in the real world and on the language practices of the community. In the paper I present briefly views of the most famous representatives of externalism: Saul Kripke, Hilary Putnam and Tyler Burge, and present typical objections against semantic externalism. Opponents of this position pay attention not only to the limitation of Kripke's and Putnam's causal theory of reference, but also attempt to prove that the meanings of linguistic expressions or the contents of mental states depend on the biological and psychological characteristics of the individual. I point out the ontological and epistemological consequences of externalism resulting from the adoption of this standpoint, and also try to identify the main merits and difficulties of this position.


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Jak cytować

Markiewicz, A. (2013). Konsekwencje eksternalistycznego sposobu rozumienia znaczeń wyrażeń językowych oraz treści stanów mentalnych. Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica, (26), 139–153. https://doi.org/10.18778/0208-6107.26.09


