Online ISSN : 1884-4553
Print ISSN : 0915-5104
ISSN-L : 0915-5104
那須野 親
キーワード: 遊戯, 実存, 運動部活動改革
ジャーナル フリー

2023 年 45 巻 1 号 p. 1-14


The purpose of this study is to clarify the ideal foundation for reproducing sports club activities as activities that find meaning in "doing" sports, and for deconstructing them as truly desirable activities for current and future club members, through the reform of sports club activities. In particular, regarding "play" and "competition" as essential elements of sports, J. Huizinga, based on Sekine's view of overcoming the conflict between "play" and "seriousness" by reinterpreting Huizinga, he regarded the ideal form of "competition" in sports as "pure competition" and attempted to posit the ideal meaning of sports club activities. At that time, based on the view of "coaching circuits" presented by Kubo (1998), we took the position of presenting the ideal viewpoint at the "philosophy" stage of the coaching circuit when leaders, club members, parents, and others who participate in sports club activities ask "for what?"

As a result, the sports club activities could be posited as follows.

Sports club activities are sports activities in which all children who wish to play sports can voluntarily participate according to their own tastes, interests, and interests. In addition, all children who participate in the activity immerse themselves in "pure competition" in "another world" that generates extreme concentration on the act of "playing" sports, and generate the enjoyment of "fun" and "joy" that are the values of sports as "true fun" and "true joy" within themselves.

This study believes that it was able to present the viewpoint of value judgment when the people concerned look back on their daily activities toward improving these problems and reproducing them as the place where they can enjoy "fun" and "joy" through "pure competition" by taking advantage of the period of concentration on reform of sports club activities.

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