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An Epic Party?

Sober Thoughts on νηφέμεν (Archil. Fr. 4 W.2)

  • Alexander Nikolaev EMAIL logo
From the journal Philologus


This paper argues that the Aeolic inf. νηφέμεν, used instead of expected νήφειν at the beginning of the pentameter verse (where a contracted biceps is admissible), should be viewed as modeled on πινέμεν (Hes. Op. 592, construed with αἴθοπα οἶνον): the combination of the high-flown ending, best known from the epic dialect, with a root νηφ- that otherwise belongs to the colloquial language must have both produced a comic effect in the context of an invitation to get drunk on duty and served as an allusion to the midsummer picnic scene in Hesiod.


It is my pleasure to thank Michael Haslam, Jay Jasanoff, Gregory Nagy, Martin Peters, Jeremy Rau, and Martin West for helpful comments; needless to say, I am alone responsible for all conclusions reached here.


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Published Online: 2014-7-1
Published in Print: 2014-7-8

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