Ukrainian historical thought in the systems of notations and hagiographies of the Renaissance epoch educators




historical scientific thought of Ukraine, hagiography, notation, biographical method, personalities of the epoch, pedagogical Renaissance of Ukraine


The necessity of engaging biographical materials of the representatives of the Pedagogical Renaissance of Ukraine (XIV - XV) is grounded. These materials should be implemented to the history of the Ukrainian humanitarian discourse. The author uses for the first time scientific method of studying the systems of notations and hagiographies of outstanding representatives of the Ukrainian Renaissance. Activity and creative heritage of the outstanding representatives of the pedagogy of the Pedagogical Renaissance of Ukraine (XIV - XV) in the systems of notations and hagiographies are presented in the article: Pavel Rusin (approx. 1470-1517), Yuri Kotermak (Drogobich) (approx. 1450-1494), and others. The author implements a biographical method for studying collective biographies of outstanding representatives of the Ukrainian Renaissance in the history of Ukrainian scientific thought. The origin of the term "hagiography" is explored through the notion of "collective biography".

The experience of the foundation of human existence in the context of cultural development in modern Ukrainian scientific thought is disclosed in the article. The idea of an interdisciplinary approach in the study of "human life" is described on the material of works that exist in the philosophical, cultural, psychological and historical discourse of modern scientific thought in the post-soviet space. Much attention is paid to the theoretical analysis of historiographical sources of this problem. In the course of the analysis, the categorical apparatus of the thesaurus of the biographical method was discovered during the study of the systems of notations and hagiography on the material of the Ukrainian educators (XIV - XV centuries) - Pavel Rusin (approx. 1470-1517), Yuri Kotermak (Drogobich) (approx. 1450-1494), and others. Creativity of each person is considered as a unique phenomenon and at the same time is understood as a component of the whole process of development of historical scientific thought of Ukraine. The concepts of "destiny", "life path", "model of the world", "external and internal determination" are generalized. The interaction of all the concepts in the biography of educators is considered.

The further prospect of research assumes in application of the described methods in a science.

Author Biography

Olena Popovych, Mariupol State University

Grand PhD in Philosophical sciences, professor


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How to Cite

Popovych, O. (2018). Ukrainian historical thought in the systems of notations and hagiographies of the Renaissance epoch educators. Skhid, (2(154), 100–106.


