Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico

Come citare

Raimondi, E. (2018). Eric Weil: la storia come problema filosofico. ——— Materialismo Storico ——— Rivista Di Filosofia, Storia E Scienze Umane, 4(1), 128–145.


The aim of my contribution is to show how Eric Weil (1904-1977) tried to re-propose a systematic thought capable of problematizing the relationship between history and philosophy, reality and discourse, particularity and universality. In the first part I’ll analyze the essential structure of Weil's most significant work, the Logique de la philosophie; in the second one, I’ll present the essential contents of De l’intérêt que l’on prend a l’histoire – a text where was already problematized the relationship between the universality of the historical-philosophical discourse and concrete particularity. Finally in the third and last part through analyzing Valeur et dignité du récit historiographique, we will see how Weil gave essential importance to the positive function of historical narratives, inexhaustible sources of  meaningful images for the philosopical discourse.


Keywords: Philosophy; History; Dialectics; Philosophical system; Meaning.

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