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Political science in Eastern Europe: Discussion and initial steps

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  1. See: László Révész,Ideologie und Praxis in der sowjetischen Innen- und Aussenpolitik, Mainz 1965.

  2. V.Z. Kelle,Struktura obščestvennogo soznanija [The Structure of Social Consciousness], M. 1964, str. 36–37.

  3. V. Ščerba, vice-president of the Ukrainian AN, ‘Vklad ukrainskix učenyx v sozdanie material'no-texničeskoj bazy kommunizma‘ [The Contribution of Ukrainian Scholars to the Creation of the Material-Technical Base of Communism],Ekonomika sovetskoj Ukrainy, 1961, 4, 8–16.

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  4. Cf. László Révész,.

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  5. Cf. the explanation of the Czechoslovakian Minister of Education, Professor Zdeňek Nejedlý, presented at the First Czechoslovakian Ideological Conference, held in Brümn from Feb. 27 to Mar. 1, 1952. In Rudolf Urban,Die Organisation der Wissenschaft in der Tschechoslowakei, Marburg-Lahn, no date, S. 1.

  6. Ibid., S. 10.

  7. Cf. V.I. Lenin,Sočinenija [Works], izd. 4, t. 9, str. 380. Further, ‘Vsesojuznoe soveščanie istorikov’ [All-Union Conference of Historians],Novaja i novejšaja istorija, M. 1963,2, 3–43, here str. 16. The following is an excerpt from Ponomarev's speech: “The political content of the historical sciences serves as the criterion of party-mindedness; it depends upon the extent to which the historian makes his work a necessary, effective and useful part of the general activity and struggle of the people led by the CP. ... The scholar must always pay attention to the social significance of certain elements of his work. He himself must check what he is writing for the masses how his work contributes to the development of the people in the direction of Communism...”

  8. Urban, S. 19.

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  9. Ščerba,.

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  10. Novaja i novejšaja istorija, 1963,5,3–9. The leading article by the editors is concerned with historical science as an ideological weapon in the struggle for Communism.

  11. Cf. the report on the Ninth Polish Congress of istorians, inZycie Warszawy, Warsaw, Sept. 14, 1963, p. 5.

  12. With regard to art see František Todt, ‘Leninuv odkaz pro stranickou práci v literature a umeni’ [Lenin's Legacy with Regard to Party-Work in Literature and Art],Nová mýsl, 1960,4, 406–415.

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  13. Adolf Bibič, ‘The Contents and Perspectives of the Political Sciences’,Studia nauk politycznych. Biuletyn informacyjno-naukowi, 1966, 1, 143–184.

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  14. Trybuna Ludu, Warsaw, July 6, 1963, 4–6.

  15. Polityka, Warsaw, April 25, 1963, p. 4.

  16. Konstanty Grzybowski, ‘O wlaśćiwa postawe uczonego’ [On the Correct Attitude of the Scholar],Nowe drogi, 1962, 6, 67–72.

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  17. Uj szó, Bratislava, April 15, 1964.

  18. Vladimir Ruml, ‘Rozvoj leninismu a filosofie’ [The Development of Leninism and Philosophy],Nová myśl, 1964, 1, 9–18.

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  19. Imre Szabó, ‘The Situation of the Social Sciences and of the National Program’,Felsöoktatási szemle, 1963, 7–8, 385–394.

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  20. Sándor Balázsy and György Varga, ‘A tudományos kutatómunka megszervezésének és gazdaságosságának néhány kérdése’ [Some Questions Concerning the Organization and Productiveness of Scientific Research],Közgazdasági szemle, 1961, 7, 817–837.

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  21. Tygodnik powszechny, Kraców, May 5, 1961, p. 5.

  22. Cf. the speech of the general secretary of the Polish AN, Henryk Jablonski, inTrybuna Ludu, Dec. 14, 1963, 1–2.

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  23. Cf. the speech by L.E. Il'ičev, chief of the ideological section of the CK KPSS, delivered at a meeting of leading state and party officials with writers and artists, inIzvestija, Dec. 23, 1962, p. 3. Cf. alsoTrybuna Ludu, Dec. 14, 1963, pp. 1 and 3.

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  24. Zycie Warszawy, May 19, 1962.

  25. Cf. for example P.A. Račkov, ‘Vozrastanie roli nauki pri socializme i razvite ee social'noj organizacii’ [The Growth of the Role of Science in Socialism and the Development of Its Social Organization],FN, 1965, 6, 3–15.

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  26. Cf. G.S. Ostroumov, ‘Podstawy naukowe polityki — w centrum uwagi radzieckiego Towarzystwa nauk Politycznych’ [The Scientific Principles of Politics — at the Center of Attention of the Soviet Society for Political Sciences],Studia nauk politycznych, 1966, 1, 129–142. Cf. also:Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1965, 7, 148–151; ‘Obščestvennaja nauka i formirovanie kommunističeskogo mirovozzrenija’ [Social Science and the Formation of the Communist World-View], the leading article by the editors inPolitičeskoe samoobrazovanie, M. 1964, 6, 3–11; and ‘On Working Out the Problems of the Political Sciences. Report on the Letters to the Editor’, inPravda, June 13, 1965, p. 4.

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  27. ‘Politics and Science’,Pravda, Jan. 10, 1965, p. 4.

  28. Scientific Communism was even introduced at all institutions of higher learning in the Soviet-Union as a required subject, as was planned in a resolution of the June, 1963, meeting of the CK. Cf. the directive of the Minister for University and (Special) High-School Teaching, pertaining to the introduction of the new ideological course, ‘The Foundations of Scientific Communism’: Directive no. 263/1963, Aug. 20, 1963,Bjulleten' ministerstva vysšego i srednego special'nogo obrazovanija SSSR, 1963,10,5–8. For an interesting discussion of this course cf. K. Silko, I. Serova and A. Kučakova, ‘Kurs naučnogo kommunizma v vuze’ The Course on Scientific Communism at the Institutions of Higher Learning],Kommunist Belorussii, Minsk, 1966,5,55–58.

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  29. ‘The Dilemma Over the Political Sciences’,Trybuna Ludu, Feb. 23, 1967.

  30. Bibič,op. cit.

  31. Cf. the report on the discussion on political science inVF, 1965,10, 164–166.

  32. Zychowski maintains, in his article, that Western political scientists strive to isolate themselves from philosophy and ideology and to limit themselves to ‘factography’,Trybuna Ludu, Feb. 23, 1967.

  33. Cf. Ostroumov,op. cit.

  34. Pravda, June 13, 1965, p. 4.

  35. S.S. Alekseev and V.E. Čirkin, ‘O sisteme nauk, izučajuščix problemy političeskoj organizacii obščestva, gosudarstva i prava’ [On the System of those Sciences Which Study the Problems of the Political Organization of Society, the State and Law],Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1965, 5, 45–52.

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  36. A real referendum has no place in Soviet practice. The constitution (art. 49, sec. d) establishes it as a way of polling the whole people as having an informative character, a conception which was-shared by most Soviet jurists. A new direction was taken by the 1961 party program, which conceived the referendum as a vote. For this reason, the ‘consultative character’ of the referendum is, in the present-day literature, variously hailed and condemned. Cf. I.N. Gravrilenkov,O razvitii socialistiíeskoj gosudarstvennosti v kommunistiíeskoe obšíestvennoe samoupravlenie [On the Development of the Socialist State System in Communist Social Self-Government], M. 1961, p. 102; V.F. Kotok, ‘O razvitii form soíetanija narodnogo predstavitel'stva s neposredst vennoj demokratiej v SSSR’ [On the Development of the Forms of Combination of Popular Representation with Immediate Democracy in the USSR], Sovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1960,12, p. 15; and an article inSovetskoe gosudarstvo i pravo, 1963,6, 15–25, esp. 19–20.

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  37. The ‘will of the people’ is not the sum total of all individual wills but the will of the most active, experienced and conscious members of society, for “only the most active and experienced individuals recognize the objectively conditioned interests and needs of the whole people”. Cf. A.S. Pigolkin,Tolkovanie normativnyx aktov v SSSR [The Interpretation of Normative Acts in the USSR], M. 1962, pp. 12–15. Thus the will of the people is equivalent to the will of the party.

  38. VF, 1965, 10, 164–166.

  39. Cf.Spravočnik partijnogo rabotnikaja [Handbook for Party Workers], M. 1961, pp. 535–537.

  40. Cf. F. Krotov and A. Petrov, ‘Ideologičeskaja rabota partorganizacij’ [The Ideological Work of the Party Organizations],Partijnaja žizn', M. 1966, 3, 20–28.

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  41. Sovetskaja Belorussija, August 4, 1965, p. 3; andPravda, August 8, 1965.

  42. Cf.Pravda, August 2, 1966, 2–3; I. Zelenkov and F. Krotov,Voprosy partijnoj učeby. Iz opyta organizacii političeskogo prosveščenija [Questions of Party Teaching. From the Experience of the Organization for Political Education], M. 1966, pp. 7–8;Političeskoe samoobrazovanie, 1966, 7, 21–60.

  43. Bol'šaja Sovetskaja Enciklopedija, 2nd ed., v. 1, p. 582.

  44. Partijnaja žizn', 1966, 11, p. 80;Kommunist, 1966, 4, p. 129.

  45. Ruml,op. cit.

  46. ‘Politická veda — ano ci ne? [Political Science — Yes or No?],Nová mýsl, 1965, 5.

  47. Cf. Karel Ondris, ‘V politické věde’ [In Political Science],Nová mýsl, 1966, 20, 16–18; and Frantisek Kratochvił, ‘Obsah a funkce politické vědy’ [The Content and Functions of Political Science],Nová mýsl, 1966, 8, 12–14.

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  48. Kratochvił,.

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  49. Rudé právo, Prag, Dec. 21, 1966.

  50. Cf.Politicka misao, 1964, 1, 117–121. Quoted from Radovan Vukadinovič, ‘Rozwój nauk politycznych w Jugoslawii w świetle dzialałności wydziału nauk politycznych w Zagrebiu’ [The Development of Political Sciences in Jugoslavia in the Light of the Activity of the Faculty for Political Sciences in Zagreb],Studia nauk politycznych, 1966, 1, 143–184.

  51. Politicka misao, 1965, 1, 119–159. Quoted by R. Vukadinovič,op. cit.

  52. Vukadinovič,op. cit.

  53. More extensively in Marian Zychowski, ‘Nauki polityczne’ [Political Sciences],Nowe drogi, 1966, 12, 20–27.

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  54. Marian Zychowski, ‘The Dilemma over the Political Sciences’,Trybuna Ludu, Feb. 23, 1967, p. 5, and by the same author ‘Nauki polityczne w Polsce Ludowej’ [The Political Sciences in the Polish Nation],Studia Nauk Politycznych, 1966, 1, 18–36.

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  55. Trybuna Ludu, Oct. 1, 1965.

  56. Cf. ‘The Organizational and Methodic Principles of the Implementation of the Program for “The Foundations of the Political Sciences”’,Studia nauk politycznych, 1966,1, 86–95.

  57. Cf. Zychowski,op. cit.; 1966,12, 20–27; the article by Teodor Filipiak, ‘The Study of the Political Sciences’,Prawó i zycie, Warsaw, July 3, 1966, p. 2.; and the introduction to no. 1, 1966, of the journalStudia Nauk Politycznych.

  58. Cf.Studia Nauk Politycznych, 1966,1, 96–97.

  59. Marian Zychowski, ‘Nauki polityczne w Polsce Ludowej’ [The Political Sciences in the Polish Nation],Studia Nauk Politycznych, 1966,1, 18–36.

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Révész, L. Political science in Eastern Europe: Discussion and initial steps. Studies in Soviet Thought 7, 185–210 (1967).

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