Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society

Volume 25, 2014

Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Meeting

Harshakumari Sarvaiya
Pages 82-90

CSR for HR: Embedding CSR in Workplace Practices

Based on data from interviews with CSR and HR professionals, this paper discusses possibilities for embedding corporate social responsibility (CSR) into human resource management (HRM). It examines how employee-related aspects can be addressed under the remit of CSR and how such interfaces work. Further, it argues that although HRM is responsible for employee issues such as diversity, equality, work-life balance, CSR has some implications for HRM. Thus, CSR helps to embed the social and ethical concerns of employees within HRM policies and practices and promotes socially responsible HRM. However, such a relationship is subject to CSR-related variables, such as the scope of CSR and variation among industries. If these factors are not favourable, disconnections may exist between CSR and HRM.