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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (A) April 8, 2013

Das gefühlte Faktum der Vernunft. Skizze einer Interpretation und Verteidigung

  • Dieter Schönecker


Kant is by no means the pure rationalist that Husserl and others represented him as being. To the contrary I claim that Kant is an ethical intuitionist when it comes to our recognition of the validity of the moral law. Interpreting Kant’s famous thesis about the “fact of reason”, I will first argue for three interpretative theses: 1. The factum theory explains our insight into the binding character of the moral law; it is a theory of justification. 2. In our consciousness of the categorical imperative, the moral law is immediately given in its unconditional and binding validity. 3. The unconditional validity of the CI is given in the feeling of respect. Drawing on basic thoughts of Reformed Epistemology, I will then sketch a way to defend Kant’s theory.

Published Online: 2013-04-08
Published in Print: 2013-04

© by Akademie Verlag, Berlin, Germany

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