This book is written by a philosopher for other philosophers and for that section of the reading public who buy in large quantities and, no doubt, devour with great earnestness the popular books written by scientists for their enlightenment. We common readers, to adapt a phrase from Samuel Johnson, are fitted neither to criticize physical theories not to decide what precisely are their implications.

We are dependent upon the scientists for an exposition of those developments which – so we find them proclaiming – have important and far-reaching consequences for philosophy. Unfortunately, however, our popular expositors do not always serve us very well. The two who are most widely read in this country are Sir Arthur Eddington and Sir James Jeans. They are not always reliable guides. Their influence has been considerable upon the reading public, upon theologians, and upon preachers; they have even misled philosopher who should have known better. Accordingly, it has seemed to me to be worth while to examine in some detail the philosophical views that they have put forth and to criticize the grounds upon which these views are based.

part 1|42 pages

The Alarming Astronomers

chapter 2|24 pages

The Escape of Sir James Jeans

part 2|95 pages

The Physicist and the World

chapter 3|20 pages

‘Furniture of The Earth’

chapter 4|33 pages

‘The Symbolic World of Physics’

chapter 5|21 pages

The Descent To the Inscrutable

part 3|111 pages

Causality and Human Freedom

chapter 7|15 pages

The Nineteenth-Century Nightmare

chapter 8|29 pages

The Rejection of Physical Determinism

chapter 9|37 pages

Reactions and Consequences

chapter 10|28 pages

Human Freedom and Responsibility

part 4|36 pages

The Changed Outlook

chapter 11|12 pages

Entropy and Becoming

chapter 12|22 pages
