La tradizione filosofica dall’antico al moderno. Studi e testi

History of Philosophy from the Ancient to the Modern Age. Studies and Editions


Autore / Author: Loris Sturlese

Affiliazione / Author affiliation: Università del Salento, Lecce

Titolo / Title: A proposito dell’attribuzione a Eckhart delle Collationes tramandate dal codice Cusano 21

Abstract: This paper examines the attribution to Eckhart of the unpublished collationes contained in the MS Bernkastel-Kues, Bibliothek des St. Nikolaus-Hospitals 21. Eckhart’s authorship was excluded by Koch, but is plausible from the point of view of the history of the manuscript tradition. The paper announces the discovery of a series of similar collationes in a Lüneburg manuscript of Franciscan origin and highlights, through the edition of the texts relating to Advent, some parallels between both works, probably depending on the use of a common source.

Keywords: Eckhart; MS Cusanus 21; collationes.

English title: On the Attribution to Eckhart of the Collationes Transmitted by the Codex Cusano 21

DOI: 10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua5-6

Volume: 5

Pagine / Pages: 180-198

Pubblicazione / Publication date: 01/02/2019

Permalink: https://dx.doi.org/10.14640/QuadernidiNoctua5-6

E-theca OnLineOpenAccess Edizioni

ISSN 2723-9225