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ISSN 2305-8420 (Print)
ISSN 2312-6442 (Online)
Current Issue

History as cultural and historical process: experience of axiological understanding and interpretation

Liberal Arts in Russia. 2019. Vol. 8. No. 4. Pp. 271-278.
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Suhina I. G.
Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after Mikhail Tugan-Baranovsky
31 Shchors Street, 83050 Donetsk


Conceptual axiological consideration and the analysis of valuable determination of historical dynamics of an anthropological phenomenon of culture from a position of the culture-creative subjectivity of the person, which is updated in the history, are presented in the article. The understanding of human history, which is conceptually aligned by culture as, first of all, cultural histories, is consistently carried out; it agrees with the undertaken culturological interpretation of human “being in the world” as “being in culture”. Thereby culture is revealed from a world outlook of sense and purpose of human being in its historicity. The explication of human history as cultural and historical process in its axiological modality is respectively offered and proved. In this conceptual context, the values are considered as semantic values determining the subject relation of the person to the world, which is the cornerstone of historical events; they have deontological potential transcending subject being of human. From this axiological position of a subject objectivization of values, the history makes sure of quality of the artifact comprising value, having significance, but not just the fact or a certain statistical factuality. Interpretation of history from a position of artifacts corresponds in principle to its culturological understanding. Heuristic cognitive potential of the principle of historicism in relation to culturological and philosophico-anthropological perspectives is also shown.


  • • human
  • • subjectivity
  • • consciousness
  • • sense
  • • meaning
  • • value
  • • vital activity
  • • culture
  • • dynamics of culture
  • • history


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