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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter March 7, 2013

Between Rhetoric and Sophistry: The Puzzling Case of Plato’s Gorgias

  • Jacqueline Tusi EMAIL logo
From the journal Apeiron


The case of Gorgias’ profession has been an object of ongoing dispute among scholars. This is mainly because in some dialogues Plato calls Gorgias a rhetorician, in others a sophist. The purpose of this article is to show that a solution only emerges in the Gorgias, where Plato presents Gorgias’ goals as a rhetorician and its associated arts. On this basis, Plato introduces a systematic division between genuine arts and fake arts, including rhetoric and sophistry, thereby identifying their conceptual differences and similarities. The paper concludes by arguing that Gorgias can be called both a rhetorician and a sophist, provided that the labeling is done from different perspectives.


I am grateful to Chad Jorgenson for his careful correction of the English text.


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Published Online: 2013-03-07
Published in Print: 2020-01-28

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