The Concept of Scientific Ethics and Visions of Moral Progress by Main Representatives of Polish Positivist Thought

Pro memoria


The article presents one of the components of the intellectual legacy of Polish positivism, a philosophical position which proposed a new attitude towards ethical issues. Its representatives put forward the notion of scientific ethics, reducing moral philosophy to it. They strongly emphasized their critical attitude towards traditional ethics, for which there was no place in the positivist model of science, and proposed a distinction between theoretical and practical ethics. Their project was motivated by an ambition to make ethics
into jurisprudence, a discipline whose accuracy would make it similar to other sciences. Their efforts were consistently motivated by the idea of making ethics into an empirical and applied science. This scientific ethics would fulfill the important task of forming a set of moral requirements, which, by referring to moral knowledge (“ethology”), would have a chance of influencing the conduct of individuals and society. The new ethics was expected to contribute to the change in social morality and thus greatly support moral progress, an issue which was hotly debated. All positivists subscribed to the idea of progress, including that of morality; however, some differences can be discerned in how they defined progress. Some defined it in realistic categories, while others focused on optimistic visions of the future. Among the first advocates of scientific ethics and of the idea of moral progress, differences notwithstanding, were Aleksander Świętochowski, Julian Ochorowicz, Feliks Bogacki, Władysław Kozłowski, and Bolesław Prus. The article gives an overview of some of their views.


positivist movement; scientific ethics; theoretic ethics; practical ethics; idea of progress; moral progress; freedom; perfectness; usefulness

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Published : 2023-06-12

TyburskiW. (2023). The Concept of Scientific Ethics and Visions of Moral Progress by Main Representatives of Polish Positivist Thought. Folia Philosophica, 48, 1-25.

Włodzimierz Tyburski
The Maria Grzegorzewska University  Poland

Włodzimierz Tyburski – emerytowany profesor zwyczajny Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, czynny Akademii Pedagogiki Specjalnej im. Marii Grzegorzewskiej. Członek Komitetu Nauk Filozoficznych PAN. Autor ponad trzystu publikacji, w tym kilkunastu pozycji książkowych. Zajmuje się historą filozofii i etyki, aksjologią, etyką, bioetyką, filozofią i etyką środowiskową.

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