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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter August 12, 2021

Introduction. La technê et la connaissance des causes : Aristote et le modèle de la médecine

  • Cristina Viano EMAIL logo
From the journal Elenchos


The theme of the specificity of medical causes in the Greco-Roman world is part of a wider research project on the notion of causality, the starting point of which is Aristotle and his seminal theorisation of the four causes. It therefore seemed useful to introduce this collection with a synthetic presentation of the Aristotelian conception of medicine, which is characterised by the knowledge of causes and represents a paradigm for the other arts and practical knowledge.

Corresponding author: Cristina Viano, Centre Léon Robin – Sorbonne Université, Paris, France, E-mail:


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Published Online: 2021-08-12
Published in Print: 2021-08-26

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