Restorying the Purpose of Business: An Interpretation of the Agenda of the UN Global Compact

  • Oliver Williams University of Notre Dame, USA;Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Keywords: Business and society, restorying the purpose of business, moral norms for business, United Nations Global Compact, Sustainable Development Goals


The article argues that there is a paradirm shift in our understanding of the role of business in society and that this move is best understood as a "restorying" of the purpose of business. The term "story" is used here to refer to a pattern of meaning. The organization leading this movement is the United Nations Global Compact with its ten principles and 17 Sustainable Development Goals designed to overcome global poverty. With over 9,000 companies in 165 countries "restorying" the purpose of business there is hope for a better life for all.


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Author Biography

Oliver Williams, University of Notre Dame, USA;Stellenbosch University, South Africa
Tenured in the College of Business at the Univ of Notre DameProfessor Extraordinary at Stellenbosch University