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Book Reviews169 of human reason and disclose to us the secret of our being as well as the laws of our behaviour for the attainment of our supreme destiny. The worldrenowned mediaevalist, Professor Etienne Gilson, describes Christian Philosophy as that science which, while keeping the orders of reason and revelation formally distinct, nevertheless considers revelation an indispensable auxiliary to reason.4 Such was undoubtedly the attitude of the Seraphic Doctor investigating the dignity and the role of Woman in human society, and Sister Emma Thérèse's Woman According to Saint Bonaventure has at least the worth of showing that Christian Philosophy is still not only possible and useful for everybody, but even the surest way to find out the whole truth about man and society. Josef Montalverne, 0. F. M. Christ the King Seminary, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Fanchon Royer, St. Francis Solanus — Apostle to America, Paterson, N.J.: St. Anthony Guild Press, 1955. 194 pp. $2.50. This biography of St. Francis Solanus evidences obvious research into one of the spiritual lights of the so-called dark ages of the Protestant Revolt. Although documented, the narrative is unimpared by footnotes, which are brief and concise. A Glossary of Spanish Terms has been appended to expedite understanding of unfamiliar Spanish word used passim in this work. In age of licentiousness, Francis Solanus appears in the habit of St. Francis of Assisi living the evangelical counsels, preaching to the crowds and ministering to victims of the Bubonic plague. In South America he wins thousands to the faith, earning the devotion of Latin Americans which persists to the present day. His merciless penances seem severe to an age of less stringent mortifications. Yet, the candor and simplicity of this saint of God offer an answer to the complications of modern life. This fiery preacher proclaims a Christian optimism in the concrete terms of daily abnegation. This biography is no exception in depicting miraculous incidents which are substantiated in the official records for Beatification (cf. pp. 191—194)· This feature unfortunately presents the virtues of our saint as beyond the imitation of the ordinary layman however inspiring they may be. The extraordinary defeats the purpose of making the saint imitable and realistically human. This reviewer finds illustrations to be desired. A map of the travels of St. Francis Solanus would prove helpful even though the narrative clearly indicates the saint's prodigious journeying. — The chapters are of sufficient length to afford reading at leisure over a period of time. While this biography depicts a saint for more mature minds, it affords an example for spiritual edification and encouragement for the average reader. 4 Gilson Et., Le Christianisme et la tradition philosophique, in Rev. des sc. philos, et théol. (Le Saulchoir), 1941—1942, pp. 249—250. 170Book Reviews It keeps before the eye an ideal which has taken flesh through the grace of God. In observing the rule of St. Francis, another Francis has attained the honors of the altar. Edward M.Wilson Christ the King Seminary, St. Bonaventure, N. Y. Mary in the Franciscan Order (Proceedings of the Third National Meeting of Franciscan Teaching Sisterhoods, Sacred Heart Academy 3860 Main Street Buffalo, New York, November 26—27, 1954, Vol. Ill), St. Bonaventure, N. Y. : The Franciscan Institute, 1955. XIII—193pp. $ 2.50. Prior to the texts of the main addresses, this Report cites briefly a summary of Officers and Committees, the minutes of the proceeding, the blessing of the Holy Father and a letter from President Dwight D. Eisenhower. The first sermon, delivered by Very Reverend Anaclete Kaczmarek, O. F. M. Conv., credits St. Francis' devotion to the Blessed Virgin as an impetus to Franciscans throughout every age. The theme of the second sermon , "On Concluding the Marian Year," enunciates the role of Mary, our Teacher, in education. This address by the Very Reverend Pius J. Barth, O. F. M., stresses the goal of Franciscan institutions "to restore all things for Christ through Mary Immaculate as Queen of the Universe," in urging Sisters to double for the Mother, Teacher of Christ. The dedicatory sermon of Father Ignatius Brady, O. F. M. consecrates the Third National Meeting to Mary, Queen of...

