The Role Models of the Emperor

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The Role Models of the Emperor

Caracalla between exemplum Sullanum and imitatio Alexandri

Zanin, Manfredi

From the journal Historia Historia, Volume 69, September 2020, issue 3

Published by Franz Steiner Verlag

article, 14439 Words
Original language: German
Historia 2020, pp 362-389


This paper reconsiders the political facets and purposes of Caracalla’s imitatio Alexandri and esteem for Sulla. Both emulations represented the result of a well-pondered political way of thinking and acting. On the one hand, Caracalla reclaimed the exemplum Sullanum displayed by his father, and sought to lead fruitfully the edgy relationships with the Roman political class also through the political role-model embodied by Sulla; on the other hand, by activating the cultural and historical heritage of Alexander in the hellenophone and Near Eastern provinces, the Emperor aimed to interact effectively with the local communities, elites, and populations.

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Manfredi Zanin


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