Original Research - Special Collection: Culture and Psychology Education

The influence of ideological and political culture construction on students’ psychological quality

Ming Zhang, Buzhou Guo
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies | Vol 79, No 4 | a8883 | DOI: https://doi.org/10.4102/hts.v79i4.8883 | © 2023 Ming Zhang, Buzhou Guo | This work is licensed under CC Attribution 4.0
Submitted: 13 April 2023 | Published: 25 August 2023

About the author(s)

Ming Zhang, School of Marxism, Liuzhou Institute of Technology, Liuzhou, China
Buzhou Guo, School of Design and Art, Liuzhou Institute of Technology, Liuzhou, China


Ideological and political education in universities focuses on cultivating people’s good psychological qualities and regards positive psychology as an important entry point for the construction of ideological and political culture. This will provide new ideas for the reform and innovation of modern education. This study selected 300 students from six universities as the research subjects and analysed the impact of ideological and political cultural construction on students’ psychological quality from the perspective of positive psychology. The Psychological Scale (SAS) is used to reflect the impact of ideological, political, and cultural construction on students’ psychological activities. The results indicate that from the perspective of positive psychology, the construction of ideological and political culture among college students has a significant improvement effect on various psychological indicators of students.

Contribution: The construction of ideological and political culture in colleges and universities faces social factors, teaching factors and personal factors, which have an adverse impact on the formation of students’ psychological quality. This study in order to better evaluate the improvement of psychological indicators, take positive psychology as an entry point, and take necessary teaching measures to promote the formation of students’ good psychological quality. This research represents data that can be used by scholars in the field of religious education and public theology.


positive psychology; ideological and political; undergraduate institutions; psychological quality; cultural construction; improvement rate

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