From PhilPapers forum Metaphysics:

Continuum - a bibliographic assistance
Benny, I would not presume to tell you what to do. Sorry it sounded that way.

It just seemed to me, to put it simply, that epistemology  (cognitive processing) is not up the the world of actual experience. We experience contniua, but don't know how to express it through ordinary language.

Nevertheless, science must somehow manage, for the world consists entirely of processes or continua. I believe that any project to represent a process must explicitly reach beyond the language and cognitive a prioris of folk psychology.I would go further, without defending the point here, that all understanding, as distinguished from mere narration or description, requires that we do so. Causality, as a predictable correlation of empirical change, is a description and thus remains empty and mysterious. 

So in fact, we can represent processes. As I suggested, differential calculus engages continua, but can only be explained in terms of fictitious infinitesimals. 

