From PhilPapers forum Philosophy of Biology:

The Nature of Selection
Yes!  Adaptation, natural selection, evolution is inherently a passive process driven by instinct. The process is not goal-oriented other than each creature navigating a given day, including procurring necessary resources to survive and even thrive and otherwise meeting the various challenges they face, as well as being in some type of relationship with the other fauna and flora.  Symbiotic, commensalistic etc relationships work better than parasitic because if you kill your population of host organisms, you die. Dumb.

Over-emphasis on competition beyond procuring necessary resources to survive in a community both in theory and practice is misguided and lends itself to dangerous misapplication of this most elegant theory. Of course, also having an impact on evolution are genetic alterations with various possible etiologies and a bit of good old "right place, right time" Irish luck.