From PhilPapers forum Aesthetics:

Games and Art
Reply to Mike Tintner
The essence of drama is that the protagonist faces a dilemma, and the drama traces how he deals with that dilemma - this is the fundamental structure of all drama, which mirrors life. Hamlet obviously faces the dilemma mainly of to kill or not kill Claudius, and the play traces the stages and scenes of his decisionmaking. And drama also strips out the boring parts. Actually s.o. like Hamlet in real life may have thought many thousands of lines and hundreds of hours about his murder project, but the play strips out the repetitive parts and the less relevant parts, and tries to cut to the central parts of his debate about his dilemma.

[Of course, drama traces all kinds of decisionmaking and dilemma-facing, from the decisions like those of Lear wh. may be made in a few seconds, to others wh. may take many years. It constitutes one of the most valuable bodies of knowledge we have about decisionmaking. But no academics of the arts have much knowledge of, or interest in, this].

Is the connection between the games and dramatic arts important -how we deal with dilemmas? Well, if you asked either sciences or most philosophers or indeed most academics, the answer would be probably "not much."

The reality if you tot it up is that the average person in our society spends well over 12 hours a week watching some form of drama  and then you could probably add a few hours for watching sport.

And then you could add hours each night, while their unconscious brain forges dramas in the form of dreams...  but do they also have poetry ?  

Surely, once you strip away the eloquence of drama's prose and poetry ... what remains is the strategy of modern management speak ...  What parallels does video games have with dramatic prose and poetry that is witty and profound, humorous and deeply moving ...  ? 

Okay possibly not absolute managment speak ... (although some form of ... and without the poetry ....  perhaps !)   Perhaps poets ought to conceive some poems about the dreams of video gamers ?   Perhaps they already have ...  but that is poetry, and video games is video games, even though tis also dreams ...  
