From PhilPapers forum Philosophy of Mind:

The time-lag argument for the representational theory of perception

 (The record shows
 I took the blows
 and saw it my way.)


Can the little man inside see me Daddy? A camera "sees" (gathers datergic information) about that part of the world towards which it is pointed. There is only "one world" and no interior or inner world of the brain-pan and an exterior world of the environment. Body and "Mind " [sic] don't ride a transcendental tandem. "Nature" does not have time for paranormal parlour games like "cosciousness" and Qualia." Being like a bat equals being a bat.  Such imaginings are primitive human abstractions that do not exist. Only the earth-world and the meat-brained human abstractors together with that which surrounds them exist.
We exist "out there" [sic] in the world like any other entity in the world. The embrained body (or embodied brain if you prefer) sees the world through the aqueous humor filled lenses of the brain - the nominata of the English word eyes There are photosensitive cells -  but there is no such thing as the reification, " photosensitivity. " Nor is there a Cartesian music hall of the mind, nor a  Heideggerian psychic viewing suite situated in the visual cortex, where Daseinic truth-dodgers twiddle ontological twizzle-sticks which trigger occult immateriality pulses called: "private conscious experience waves" which suspire from the neurological representational meaty bits like metaphysical marsh gas or the non-question og "being."

Many people merely replace the reification "homunculus" with the reification "the mind" or "private conscious experience," or some other curious neologic phrasing. Surely, after bouncing off some object, the photonic datergy (compare matergy) impacting the outer brain (the eyes) energises the neuro-synapses of the permutational brain via a part of the central nervous system called the optic nerves, to fire and form specialised transient patterned neuronal matergy clusters (energised matter).) in the primary visual cortex which is composed of  extractable brain-meat - once considered a delicacy by cannibals and not some modern version of an imaginary metaphysical mental manikin which would not fatten a blue-bottle -  never mind a hungry Korowain (one of very few tribes still believed to eat human flesh as a cultural practice.)

If an observer views the changing matergic image of a digital camera as it is swung around, the casually roaming causal lens triggers the modifiable modal camera chip to exist in a differing causal existential mode from nano-second to nano-second. Light impacts an array of light-sensitive cells that release a tiny matergic charge in each activated cell producing pixelated constellates.

Similarly (but this time organo-matergically) the human eye encounters changing light sources and triggers electro-chemical synapsal ignition sequences which vary the existential modality of the neuronal patterning  reticulum activating system or structured neurological network of the energised brain-meat at that particular moment in time.

The changing matergic brain is comprehended holistically by the perceiving, experientially envisioning entity - the organically totalised human animal - not some reificative homuncula stand-in called  "experiental- consciousness."

The wild construables positing the "existence" of such conceptual intangibles as inhabiting the human brain-pan are little much removed from the belief of our primitive forebears that spirits resided in rivers and trees, or the Trobriand Islander who believed that the "soul" of his grandfather had taken up residence in and empty coca-cola bottle which had been washed ashore on the beach.

The environment is "seen" by earthly, exterior-based, sensorially equipped human beings that exist in the world in the same way that the objects they observe around them. It is the meaty experientially conscious human who sees a house or a hat-pin. In other words, as a digital camera EXISTS differently as it sensors are spatially re-situated by the human photographer, so the human body-brain exists differently as its sensorial brain-extensions (eyes) switch from object to object.

Compare an electronic calculator, which does not actually "calculate" anything at all. It simply lies in your hand as you change the way it exists in response to the prodding of the causally connective input buttons. It is the human calculator who pushes the calculator buttons and benefits from the superior rapidity of the calculative electronic chip.
The difference between a light responsive digital camera, a prod-responsive calculator and a sensorialised light responsive human (and many other sentient creatures) is that the camera and the calculator are sensorially unaware of their own changes and are entirely dependant on the sensorially restricted parameters factored in by the human designer. The human is (has evolved) and has been phylogenetically programmed to remember and respond to the changing environment for reasons of survival and procreation. The whole human sensorium is one integrated survivalist feed-back mechanism with not a single occult hypostatisation (whether scientific or transcendentalistic  that goes dualistically bump-diddy-bump-in-the-night  in sight. It is Stockholm bound for the lucky Nobel Prize-winner who proves otherwise.

Jud Evans.
The Athenaeum Library of Philosophy