Annuario Filosofico

ISSN: 0394-1809

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  1. Pico, Ficino e la predicabilità dell’Uno.Giovanni Alberti - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:231-255.
    This paper aims to compare Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola in relation to the question of the One and the being; furthermore, it wants to show how the theme of predicability of the neoplatonic One is central to understanding the position of Pico and that of Ficino. Pico, in fact, states that One and Being are coextensive; Ficino, instead, affirms that the One is wider than being. With his comment on Plato’s Parmenides, he wants to counteract the Pichian theory (...)
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  2. Der Begriff der Freiheit bei Pareyson und Schelling.Damir Barbarić - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:121-138.
    In a first step, it is stated that for Pareyson the freedom is to be grasped only as the act of the instantaneous beginning and of the absolute self-setting. Unlike the being, understood in the sense of ground, each concrete choice of freedom is opposed to the dynamic, ontologically positive nothingness. Freedom, therefore, appears to be the very original struggle with nothingness, even before the creation of the world. Pareyson shares Schelling’s conviction of the fundamental importance and the ontological rank (...)
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  3. Lost in translation: Luigi Pareyson e gli studi pareysoniani in ambito anglosassone.Silvia Benso - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:195-207.
    By exploring various semantic possibilities contained in the expression “lost in translation”, this essay addresses various difficulties entailed in the work of translation in general and as they apply to the translation into English of the works of Luigi Pareyson specifically. The essay also surveys the status of the Pareyson scholarship in the Anglophone world and suggests possible ways to foster a more congenial milieu for the appreciation of this important Italian philosopher whose thought is rarely recognized by Anglophone thinkers, (...)
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  4. Deduzione trascendentale e critica della ragione. Diritti dell’intelletto, diritto della ragione.Maurizio Candiotto - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:259-284.
    The transcendental deduction in the Critique of Pure Reason is – far beyond the mere analysis of a historical datum such the modern mathematical science of nature – a strong, skeptic-reistant argument. In order to justify the claim of validity raised for our aprioric knowledge, i.e. for the aprioric and universal element that is present in our empirical knowledge, the critical philosopher must address the very conditions of thought. Kant turns from his initial question ‘How is it possible to know? (...)
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  5. Esistenza, persona, verità. Dagli studi sull’esistenzialismo all’ermeneutica.Giuseppe Cantillo - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:23-51.
    This essay traces the first section of the development of Pareyson’s thought. The first section covers his studies on existentialism and his philosophy of the person, where an existentialist and personalist aspect merge into an idea of “original solidarity between person and truth”, and paves the way to philosophy as hermeneutics. This essay considers analytically Pareyson’s main writings on existential philosophy and on the philosophy of the person. This approach highlights a theoretical framework within which the concepts of existence, truth (...)
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  6. Libertà per la differenza. Una rilettura del pensiero di Luigi Pareyson.Francesco Paolo Ciglia - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:170-192.
    This contribution proposes a comprehensive rereading of Pareysonian thought, starting from a special perspective. It is articulated in three parts. In the first and second parts, two particularly relevant formulations of the Pareysonian theory of interpretation will be reconstructed. The third part will examine some of the main structures of the “ontology of liberty”, which the thinker elaborated in the last phase of his research itinerary. This contribution seeks to grasp, against the backdrop of the stages of Pareysonian meditation which (...)
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    “Quaestio mihi factus sum”. L’immagine dell’essere umano nella filosofia di Hans Jonas.Roberto Franzini Tibaldeo - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:437-461.
    The essay focuses on the role played by the “image of the human being” in the philosophy of Hans Jonas. This expression highlights humanity’s distinctiveness: it is indeed thanks to the image that the human being acquires a unique degree of distance and freedom from the world, which then develops into reflective self-awareness. However, thanks to these features, the human being achieves the unprecedented capacity of stretching to the limit the dialectical dynamic of freedom and necessity, autonomy and dependence, self (...)
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  8. Tra somiglianza e dissomiglianza. Sguardi sull’analogia nel pensiero filosofico-teologico del Novecento.Luca Ghisleri - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:409-436.
    The essay aims at showing the contribution that the philosophical-theological debate in the 20th century, described in connection with some of its relevant figures and some of its essential moments, has supplied to an adequate elaboration of the theoretical notion of analogy. It dwells first of all upon Erich Przywara’s work Analogia entis which represents the initial and unavoidable step of such debate. Then it refers to the criticisms to Przywara’s position raised by Karl Barth in his Kirchliche Dogmatik and (...)
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  9. Traducciόn, recepciόn y proyecciones de la filosofίa de Luigi Pareyson en el ámbito académico hispanoparlante.Constanza Giménez Salinas - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:208-219.
    This article addresses the translation, reception and impact of Luigi Pareyson’s philosophy in the Spanish speaking academic community. It analyzes the phenomenon itself of translation as a training and interpretative activity that conveys ideas into a new subject, in this case the Spanish language. This implies the obligation to attempt the right reception of Pareyson’s philosophy in the philosophical culture of Latin America and the human issues of these societies. This question leads to the inquiri into the crossing points between (...)
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  10. Pareyson interprete di Dostoevskij.Sergio Givone - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:139-152.
    Although moving from Berdjaev’s interpretation of Dostoevskij, Pareyson concludes differently: i. e. not with an aporethical dialectic but with an onthology of freedom. Pareyson focalizes his interpretation on the philosophical problem of God and distinguishes between atheism and nihilism. According to Pareyson not atheism but nihilism implies the strongest negation of God. If we can consider atheism the negative moment of God’s life, at the opposite in a nihilistic perspective God is simply a meaningless idea.
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  11. Wahrheit und Interpretation. Luigi Pareysons Stelldichein mit dem „Phänomen Wahrheit“.Jean Greisch - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:85-102.
    If one can already speak of the classics of philosophical hermeneutics, Luigi Pareyson belongs obviously together with Hans-Georg Gadamer and Paul Ricoeur to these classics. Hence the necessity of confronting his Verita e interpretazione both to Gadamer’s Verstehenshermeneutik and to Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of symbols and texts, putting forward the notion of interpretation. A good starting point for this confrontation consists in considering his early dissertation dedicated to Karl Jaspers and putting his hermeneutics in relation with Jaspers’ monumental logic of philosophy, (...)
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  12. Pareyson zwischen Fichte und Schelling.Marco Ivaldo - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:105-120.
    My essay takes into consideration the reception and interpretation of the philosophies of Fichte and Schelling by Luigi Pareyson. Pareyson considered classical German philosophy as a vertex of the history of philosophical thought and interpreted Fichte and Schelling as original thinkers, which indicated philosophical perspectives irreducible to Hegel’s philosophy. My essay examines the reading of Fichte by Pareyson in the volume of 1950 and then in the lessons of Turin in the year 1982/1983 on: “The principle and the dialectic”. Finally, (...)
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  13. Una salvezza per tutti rispetta la libertà dell’uomo? Libertà, storia ed escatologia in S.N. Bulgakov.Graziano Lingua - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:378-408.
    Eschatology is one of the most interesting aspects of the thought of S.N. Bulgakov, not only for the originality, but also for the role it plays in all his intellectual work. His arguments against the eternity of hell and his theory of universal salvation are not optional features of his theology, but they rather represent a test-bed for some theoretical issues that not only cross all of his sophiology, but that were already at the origin of his shift from Marxism (...)
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  14. Il senso e il futuro della coscienza individuale nella metafisica di Piero Martinetti.Sandro Mancini - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:343-366.
    This article analyses how the philosopher Piero Martinetti conceptualizes the survival of a person’s soul after death. Martinetti’s stance is strongly influenced by the philosophy of Plotinus. Martinetti shows that the relation between singularity and multiplicity is expressed in human beings as two different and complimentary perspectives: a fundamental identity in the atemporal dimension of the intelligible life of the spirit and a dynamic tension in the empiric order of the spatio-temporal becoming. Both dimensions express themselves in a finalistic way, (...)
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  15. “Il più difficile tra i libri dello Hegel”. Croce e la Fenomenologia dello spirito.Roberto Morani - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:307-342.
    In his Hegel’s interpretation, Benedetto Croce has never recognised the value of Phenomenology of Spirit, since he was seeing it as mere work in progress towards the more mature and systematic phase of hegelian thought. This essay presents the hypothesis that the reasons of his undervaluing of Phenomenology should be sought, not only in his crystal clear predilection for the Encyclopaedia, but mainly in his firm intention to distance himself from the abstract hegelianism of Bertrando Spaventa and Giovanni Gentile. Starting (...)
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  16. Luigi Pareysons Philosophie der Interpretation. Ein kritisches Korrektiv gängiger theologischer Hermeneutik.Klaus Müller - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:153-169.
    In the broad hermeneutical discussions in catholic theology after II. Vatican Council the most adopted concept was that of Hans-Georg Gadamer. This was in debt of his emphasis on the ideas of tradition and authority. Other hermeneutic programs were ignored for a long time – and the hermeneutics of Pareyson till today. Disregarding the convergences between Gadamer and Pareyson this is a damage for catholic theology, because in Pareyson would be present all the dimensions which are to be missed in (...)
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  17. Tra aut-aut ed et-et. La filosofia di Luigi Pareyson.Ugo Perone - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:15-19.
    In this essay the philosophy of Luigi Pareyson is explored on the basis of the double perspective of an aut-aut and of an et-et. Both approaches seem to play a significant role in Pareyson’s theoretical reflections. The author proposes to see the origin of this tension just in the fundamental concept of an ontological personalism, which states an asymmetrical relationship between person and truth. Also the wide range of Pareyson’s scholarship can be better understood in this light.
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  18. Tra eticità, moralità e religione. Il “male e il suo perdono” nell’opera di Ricoeur.Roberta Picardi - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:462-484.
    This essay explores – by drawing on published and unpublished sources – a singular and until now neglected aspect of Ricoeur’s confrontation with Hegel’s legacy: i.e. his interpretation and productive appropriation of the well-known dialectic of evil and its forgiveness, developed by Hegel at the end of Chapter VI of the Phenomenology of Spirit. The investigation identifies the constant reason, which feeds Ricoeur’s interest for this figure of Hegel’s Phenomenology, from the Symbolic of evil to Oneself as another: i.e. the (...)
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  19. Filosofia e non-filosofia in Eschenmayer: il sistema e la sua esteriorità.Cristiana Senigaglia - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:285-304.
    The article focuses on Carl August Eschenmayer, who was a philosopher and a significant interlocutor of Schelling, and particularly on his work: Philosophy in its Transition to Non-Philosophy. This work presents his own philosophical system, which is articulated in four faculties, conceived of as mathematical powers: Sensitivity, Intellect, Reason, and Soul. In doing so, Eschenmayer recognizes the limits of Reason, still conferring on it a paramount role for knowledge and human life in general. The notion of limit entails further possibilities (...)
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  20. Realtà e negatività: Pareyson tra Heidegger e Gadamer.Rita Šerpytytė - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:52-67.
    The article seeks to analyse Pareyson’s ontology of freedom emphasizing its meaning for the concept of Reality. Although the very term of Reality appears in Pareyson’s thinking sporadically, it is precisely this concept that concentrates the charge of the Negativity in ontology of freedom. It is shown that the interface between Negativity and Reality not only reveals the meaning of Reality in Pareyson’s ontology of freedom, but also enhances the thinking of Kantian-Heideggerian difference between Realitat and Wirklichkeit in philosophical tradition. (...)
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  21. Essere, essere altro, dover essere. Percorsi verso una metafisica della relazione in Ricoeur.Edoardo Simonotti - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:485-504.
    The aim of this paper is to consider Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of the self as the basis for a revisited metaphysics, which can make a substantial contribution to the current philosophical debate. The focus is in particular on the different aspects of the process from “being” towards “ought to be”, that is from an ontological-metaphysical perspective to questions pertaining to the moral sphere. Starting from an original interpretation of Aristotle’s phronesis as a hermeneutic virtue, Ricoeur describes the human individual as (...)
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  22. Traduire et interpreter Luigi Pareyson en français.Gilles A. Tiberghien - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:220-227.
    In this text the author explains the way Pareyson was introduced in France through his books Conversazioni di estetica, Ontologia della libertà and Estetica. Teoria della formativita whom he translated. He shows how, while studying Croce he became interested in Pareyson in a rather aesthetic approach and he gives some examples of the problems of translation which he had to face.
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  23. Luigi Einaudi: verso la citta divina, nell’incantesimo della liberta.Francesco Tomatis - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:367-377.
    The economist and first president of Italian Republic Luigi Einaudi fixes the fulcrum of his thinking in the liberty. In this paper, the author illustrates Einaudi’s concept of liberty, about three spheres: individually, social and spiritually. There isn’t liberty without a limit of this liberty and the last, superior limit of liberty is what Einaudi appeals “the incantation of liberty”. The author illustrates the connexion – in Einaudi’s philosophy – between “incantation of liberty” and human elevation towards the platonic “divine (...)
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  24. Pareyson, ritorno al “pensiero tragico”.Gianni Vattimo - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:7-14.
    The article reconstructs Pareyson’s itinerary from the original aesthetic interests of the 40’s, already marked by profound religious implications to the later philosophy that Pareyson wanted to call “tragic Thought”. Decisive in this itinerary is what he called “forma formante” that tracks the presence of an ontological transcendence in art. It’s also the tension created by this transcendent presence that constitutes the tragic nature of human condition.
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  25. Luigi Pareysons Zeitgemässe Philosophie der Freiheit.Martin G. Weiss - 2017 - Annuario Filosofico 33:68-84.
    In the present paper I discuss Luigi Pareyson’s late work, published in the posthumous Book Ontologia della libertà, as an timely attempt to clarify the experience of freedom through an interpretation of Christian mythology. Concerning this matter Pareyson’s ideas are both timely – as they stress the relation between freedom an evil – and at the same time untimely – because of their vindication not only of an outdated theologia crucis, but also of the concept of an arbitrary God, which (...)
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