Kantian Journal

ISSNs: 0207-6918, 2310-3701

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  1.  2
    Neo-Kantian Question on Method, the Problem of Form and the Meaning of Variability in Gustav Shpet and Ernst Cassirer’s Philosophy.Nikolai B. Afanasov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):81-103.
    The Kantian legacy has had a key impact on the landscape of theoretical philosophy in the first half of the twentieth century. Philosophers both in Germany and in Russia saw Immanuel Kant’s ideas as seminal for their philosophical research. The main schools of that era were formed in discussions of the problems and the solutions which were proposed by Kant. The methodological legacy of the critical philosophy effectively became the main benchmark of the thinking of a whole generation of intellectuals. (...)
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    Gustav Shpet, Immanuel Kant and Terminist Logic.Maryse Dennes - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):9-22.
    In his book Appearance and Sense Gustav Shpet, comparing Immanuel Kant’s transcendental logic with the traditional probleтs of the philosophy of language, thought it appropriate and conceptually effective to turn to the medieval scholastic debate on universals. Later, in the Hermeneutics and Its Problems, he goes back to this discussion and notes that it was the framework in which the thirteenth-century tradition of “terminist” logic was formed. Shpet attributed the fruitfulness of this approach to his concept of the inner form (...)
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    Kantian and Anti-Kantian Philosophy of Language.Igor A. Mikhailov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):47-80.
    This paper examines two models of language philosophy. The first is the Kantian philosophy which sees language as an instrument of conveying mental content. I have selected Immanuel Kant and Edmund Husserl from amongst its numerous representatives. In this tradition, a language expression, i.e. an expression that has meaning, is determined by the objectively ideal character of the meanings (“rules”) given through the subject’s intellectual acts. The main task is to fix with a maximum degree of accuracy what is “seen” (...)
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    Shpet, Humboldt, Kant: Forms, Concepts, Schemes. Terms and Ideas.Victor I. Molchanov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):23-46.
    The article examines the interpretation of the teaching of Wilhelm von Humboldt on language by Gustav Shpet together with Shpet’s perception of the influence of Kant’s philosophy on Humboldt. Special emphasis is laid on terminological analysis, the underlying thesis of this analysis being that words, terms and concepts are not the same thing: one and the same word or word combination can denote different terms, and the concept is a term in each particular doctrine. The object of critical analysis is (...)
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  5. Editor’s Foreword.T. G. Shchedrina - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):7-8.
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    Ascent to “Natural Humanness”: Immanuel Kant in the Philosophical Anthropology of Gustav Shpet.Tatiana G. Shchedrina & Boris I. Pruzhinin - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (3):104-121.
    The archive of Gustav Shpet contains scattered preparatory materials for his works. Some of these handwritten rough drafts are devoted to Immanuel Kant. These jottings enable us to take a new look at possible trajectories of philosophical anthropology. The main goal of this article is to show, on the one hand, the modern relevance of Kant’s reflections on the essence of the human being and, on the other hand, the productiveness of their critical reinterpretation by Shpet. In effect, Kant’s reflections (...)
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    Immanuel Kant. (On the Bicentenary of His Birth — 24 April 1724). Publication and Commentary by M.A. Kolerov.Modest Kolerov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):160-171.
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    Russian Political Kant after Liberalism: Sergey Hessen on 1924 Kant Jubilee.Modest Kolerov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):152-159.
    Using the Kant jubilee in 1924 as a pretext, Sergey Hessen, a Russian émigré neo­Kantian, draws no direct political conclusions but sets forth a view of the great philosopher’s legacy from the position of a “legal socialist”, selecting from his heritage those parts of German socialist doctrines that to his mind experienced a departure from a recent flowering of Kantian ideas in Neo­Kantianism and the collapse of traditional liberalism in the wake of the First World War. The fact that the (...)
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    Review of Recent Russian Studies of Hermann Cohen’s Philosophy. [REVIEW]Ivan Y. Lapshin & Julia G. Karagod - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):172-193.
    The review covers scholarly publications devoted to the philosophy of Hermann Cohen, the head of the Marburg School of Neo­Kantianism, written by Russ­ ian researchers in the period between 2000 and 2023. Although Cohen commanded unquestioned authorityamong Russian philosophers of his time — among them some followers and pupils — there was no systematic and substantive study of his work in pre­revolutionary Russia. The review below attempts to show the evidentgrowth of interest in Cohen’s philosophy in the last quarter of (...)
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    Nikolay Fyodorov’s Attempt to Link Aristotelian and Kantian Natural Teleology to the Project of Nature Regulation.Svetlana A. Martynova - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):123-151.
    The key thesis of natural teleology is that the products of nature should be judged by the goal of their existence or they should be explained as if such a goal existed. The prevailing view in the literature is that there are two main stages in the development of teleology in the framework of philosophical knowledge: the classicaland the non­classical. The isolation of these stages is based on the conviction that at a certain period of time finalism is supplanted by (...)
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    Peculiarities of Kant’s Interpretation of the Term ‘Consequence’.Anastasia V. Petrovskaya - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):50-78.
    Modern formal logic, which is based on Kant’s logical project, interprets logical consequence as formal, which leads to substantive paradoxes that combine any thoughts at all and so to the loss of consequence as such. Beginning with A. Tarski, modern history of logic brings the problem of logical consequence into the realmof search for the relation of consequence, or grounding. In his doctoral dissertation on the nature of logical formality J. MacFarlane claims that the paradoxes of formal theories of logical (...)
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    Kants Sendschreibens zum Tod des Studenten Johann Friedrich von Funk (1760). Zur literaturhistorischen Einordnung — Teil 1: Gottsched und die Königliche Deutsche Gesellschaft zu Königsberg. [REVIEW]Martin Walter - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):7-49.
    Kant’s mourning letter or necrology for his student Johann Friedrich von Funk (1760) has hardly been received. This study attempts to change this by explaining the contexts of the short missive. In the first part this concerns in particular the influence that Gottsched exerted on the style of such printed speeches or necrolo­gies. Kant’s references therefore to the ‘Royal German Society’ in Königsberg and its founder Flottwell, a friend of Gottsched’s, are described. The influence of the Roman Stoa then becomes (...)
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    Kant’s “Categories of Freedom” as the Functions of Willing an Object.Stephan Zimmermann - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (2):79-122.
    This paper deals with the “Table of the Categories of Freedom” in the second main chapter of Kant’s Critique of Practical Reason. It provides an account of the role these categories are supposed to play and also of their conceptual content. The key to a proper understanding lies in the realisation that they are derived from the so­called table of judgements in the Critique of Pure Reason and the functions of thinking, which it compiles by means of a metaphysical deduction. (...)
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    Freiheit des Willens in der frühen Kant-Rezeption.Manfred Baum - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):17-46.
    Kant’s solution for the problem of freedom of the will rests on his transcendental idealism and its differentiation of appearances and things in themselves. Human beings, with their bodies and observable inner and outer activities, are objects of perception (empirical intuition) and therefore appearances. These are only the appearances of their noumenal selves. Human beings are determined by laws of nature in all their perceivable alterations which include all their actions, but their noumenal selves, not being in time, are not (...)
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  15. Kant and “Seasickness” of Modernity.Vadim A. Chaly - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):76-102.
    On the eve of the tercentenary of Kant’s birth, just as it was a hundred years ago, Kantianism is simultaneously on the receiving end of the blows of history and attacks by rival philosophical parties, both progressivist and reactionary. The radical wings of both parties perceive modernity as a depressing, nauseating period which must be broken with by moving toward the past or toward the future. One of the most original and profound diagnoses of this attitude was offered by Hans (...)
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    On a Recent Attempt to Derive Positive Duties from Kant’s Formula of Universal Law.Samuel J. M. Kahn - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):128-148.
    According to the positive duties objection, it is not possible to derive positive duties from Kant’s Formula of Universal Law (FUL). However, in his recent “Deriving Positive Duties from Kant’s Formula of Universal Law”, Guus Duindam tries to answer this objection. More specifically, Duindam tries to show how both a duty of benevolence and a duty of self-perfection can be derived from the FUL. I critically examine Duindam’s arguments. I maintain that Duindam’s argument for the positive duty of benevolence is (...)
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    The Kantian Concept of Human Dignity Today.Alexei N. Krouglov - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):47-75.
    Although Kant was born three hundred years ago, his practical philosophy is still relevant and helpful for understanding difficult and crucial issues of today. One example is the strange transformation the concept of human dignity has undergone in post-Soviet Russia — in everyday language, in ideological doctrines, and in legal documents. While in ordinary life dignity is increasingly reduced to access to material benefits, in its legal sense — above all in the 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation — anti-communist (...)
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  18.  6
    “The Great Rationalist”: Alexey Vvedensky on Kant in the Context of Russian Kantiana.David O. Rozhin - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):149-180.
    In 1904, the last January issue of the newspaper “Moskoskiye vedomosti” carried an article by Alexey I. Vvedensky, philosopher and theologian, Professor of the Moscow Theological Academy, entitled “The Great Rationalist. On the Centenary of Kant’s Death”. Although the publication could hardly be called unique for its time, as many Russian philosophers and journalists commented on this date, the article merits attention because of the way it represents Kant, and the fact that it sheds light on Vvedensky’s attitudes toward Kantian (...)
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    Kant and Covid Ethics.Oliver Sensen - 2024 - Kantian Journal 43 (1):103-127.
    Despite the popularity of many of Kant’s ethical notions, such as autonomy, dignity and respect for persons, there is a perception, even among Kant scholars themselves, that one cannot reliably derive concrete duties from Kant’s moral philosophy. Against this, I shall argue that — properly understood — Kant’s ethics is of prime importance even today. I shall argue that Kant’s preferred procedure is actually the way we develop new ethical rules during the recent Coronavirus pandemic. In order to demonstrate this, (...)
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