The Xavier Zubiri Review

ISSN: 1538-5795

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  1. Desde Zubiri.Thomas Fowler - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:119-120.
  2. La causalidad personal: una propuesta zubiriana en diálogo con Mario Bunge, parte II1.Jesús Sáez Cruz - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:55-89.
    Personal causality must be studied in the broad contexto of causality in general. Over hislifetime Zubiri’s thought on the subject matured. In this paper we study the chronologicaldevelopment of Zubiri’s theory of causality and personal causality. Until the publication ofEstructura dinámica de la realidad [The Dynamic Structure of Reality, tr. 2005] therewas no systematic analysis of the topic by Zubiri. This work does not just cover causalityin the world, but also studies divine and personal causality—a subject treated at length inEl (...)
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  3. Xavier Zubiri interkulturell gelesen. [REVIEW]Thomas Fowler - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:119-119.
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  4. Naturalism and Science.Thomas Fowler - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:91-106.
    “Naturalism” has been used as a means to distinguish the scientific from the non-scientific.Methodological naturalism emphasizes the fact that only natural entities can be employedin scientific theories. Metaphysical naturalism goes beyond this and affirms that only thosethings that are naturalistic are real. In fact, naturalism is the product of two more fundamental notions: the canon of reality and the scientific method. Since neither of those canbe defined in an unambiguous and unchanging manner, naturalism also is fundamentallyblurry. There is therefore no (...)
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  5. Legitimadad de las opciones no teístas en la filosofía de Xavier Zubiri.Juan José García - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:47-54.
    Zubiri argues that the problem of God, which every human confronts due to the power thatrealitiy exercises over him, has various solutions. But fundamentally there are just two:theism, which implies faith; and non-theistic attitudes, which are choices realized atdifferent levels of the intellective and/or volitional processes with respect to the enigma ofthe power of the real. Zubiri also establishes a distinction between atheism, or the theismof the “useless” pagan gods, common in classical antiquity, and all other non-theisticchoices: agnosticism, indiferentism, and (...)
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  6. Corporalidad y cognitividad en inteligencia artificial débil: una reflexión desda la idea de inteligencia sentiente.N. Cortés Lagunas & J. Hernanz Mal - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:27-46.
    Zubiri argues that the problem of God, which every human being must confront because ofthe power that reality exercises over him or her, has diverse solutions. There are basicallytwo: theism, which implies faith; and non-theistic attitudes, which are opinions realized atdifferent levels of the intellective and/or volitional process in the face of the enigma of thepower of the real. Zubiri also establishes a distinction between atheism or theism of theotiose gods, pervasive in classical antiquity, and other non-theistic choices: agnosticism,indifferentism, and (...)
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  7. Liberation Philosophy as Critique: Ellacuria.Juan A. Nicolás - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:107-118.
    We begin by asking if philosophical reflection can reclaim the critical function it traditionally had and which is currently being questioned in certain hermeneutic sectors. Variousphilosophical trends that maintain this claim in the context of a reformed conception of“critical” are considered. Within this framework, we have included Liberation Philosophy , which we reconstruct from the standpoint of the methodologicalrequirements of conception and critical-rational action.Empezamos preguntando si la reflección filosófica puede salvar la función crítica que tradicionalmente ha tenido, lo que se (...)
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  8. Mathematical Realism in Jean Ladrière and Xavier Zubiri: A Comparative Analysis of the Philosophical Status of Mathematical Objects, Method and Truth.Luis O. Jiménez Rodríguez - 2009 - The Xavier Zubiri Review 11:5-26.
    This paper analyzes and compares the philosophy of mathematics of Jean Ladrière andXavier Zubiri. The study focuses on the status of mathematical objects and truth, the method proper to mathematics and finally the relationship between formal systems and thephysical world. The philosophical context is the debate on the reality or ideality of mathematical objects and the four contemporary responses that dominated the 20th century:realism, naturalism, constructivism and conventionalism. These four responses face a series of limits and difficulties. Ladrière’s transcendental realism (...)
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