
ISSN: 1212-9097

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  1. Universals of Human Nature.Tomáš Károly - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):51-65.
    With the arrival of biological evolutionism and behaviourism, the concept of human nature has become very unstable. The proposed method for detecting the features of human nature based on discomfort allows us to reconsider human nature and regard the species as ontological entities. The human species is represented by biosubstrates that instantiate essential universals. When society restricts fundamental behavioural expressions, individuals experience discomfort, which leads to rebellion. These expressions of discomfort lead us to recognise the basic universals of human nature. (...)
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    Miserable, Meaningless Lives, and Unwelcome Deaths.Friderik Klampfer - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):1-24.
    David Benatar has been championing the cause of the overall badness of human lives since the turn of the century, most forcefully in his 2006 academic bestseller Better Never to Have Been. In his more recent book, The Human Predicament (OUP, 2017), he added some extra layers of dark paint to his sinister portrait of human destiny by arguing that our lives are not just miserable, but also insignificant, i.e. devoid of (cosmic) meaning and purpose. And yet, just like in (...)
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  3. Shannon Vallor – The AI Mirror: How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking.Jakub Peloušek - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):69-71.
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    Melanie G. Rosen – The Dreaming Mind: Understanding Consciousness During Sleep.Ayush Srivastava - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):66-68.
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    Cognition of the World Soul in Plato’s Timaeus (Tim. 37a2-c5).Jiří Stránský - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):39-50.
    This study focuses on explaining the problem of cognition of the world soul through a detailed analysis of passage 37a2–c5 from Plato’s Timaeus. It is divided into three sections, each dedicated to interpreting a different part of the passage. First, the necessary conditions for the soul to be able to cognize correctly are discussed. Second, it is demonstrated that the world soul’s cognition is essentially discursive. It is further argued that the soul makes two different types of declarations that form (...)
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  6. Social Freedom and The Politics of Emancipation.Ciprian Turčan - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (2):25-38.
    The study focuses on the theoretical-methodological analysis of the concept of social freedom as a special concept of individual autonomy in relation to the social conditions of its applicability. The aim of the analysis is to reveal and clarify the main political implications and normative claims that result from it for political theory. The thesis is formulated and argued in the article that the philosophical concept of social freedom in its applicability programmatically leads to a model of the politics of (...)
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    Gewirthian Prudence, Generic Agency, and Moral Rights.Per Bauhn - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):1-11.
    Much critical attention has been given to Alan Gewirth’s argument concerning agents’ move from prudential to moral right-claims. Less ink has been spilled on the question of why prudent agents should claim rights to goods needed by agents in general rather than to goods needed for the realization of their individual and particular purposes. In this paper, I intend to show that Gewirth’s concept of prudence makes it necessary for agents to identify with the role of a generic agent and (...)
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    Critical Analysis of Moral Contractarianism: Towards a Revised Framework.Rucha Kulkarni - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):12-24.
    This paper critically examines moral contractarianism, a moral theory centred on rational agreements among self-interested individuals to establish moral rules and social norms. It explores the challenges faced by moral contractarianism while also highlighting its strengths. Major issues, such as accommodating justice and fairness within the contractarian framework, are discussed, along with other challenges. Additionally, the paper provides a brief discussion of moral contractualism (a theory similar to moral contractarianism in certain aspects), highlighting its strengths in addressing some of the (...)
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    On State Toleration of Hate Speech in Pluralist Democracies.Marian Kuna - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):53-64.
    MacIntyre’s ‘liberal’ view of the state’s toleration of hate speech may seem surprising given his radical rejection of liberalism. It appears liberal because MacIntyre agrees with some classical liberal conclusions, as formulated by Locke, concerning the requirement of evaluative neutrality of the state. This seems to be the main reason why MacIntyre argues that the hate speech toleration at the governmental level should not be ‘content-based’, i.e. it should be strictly ‘context-based’. The paper argues that MacIntyre’s ‘context-based’ approach seems problematic (...)
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    Problem of Teaching Virtue Between the Protagoras and the Phaedrus.Jozef Majerník - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):25-37.
    Socrates’ final argument in the Protagoras is premised on the surprising identification of the pleasant with the good and argues that virtue is the “art of measurement” that can be easily taught to the Many. The view that virtue can be taught is also espoused by Socrates elsewhere, notably in the Phaedrus. However, while the Protagoras identifies virtue with the art of calculating the greatest pleasure, which is identified with the greatest good, in the Phaedrus virtue is shown to consist (...)
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    Mark Coeckelbergh: Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence.Jakub Peloušek - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):65-67.
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    Identifying the Possible Implications of the Concept of the Anthropocene for the Philosophical-Anthropological Thought.Katarína Podušelová - 2024 - Pro-Fil 25 (1):38-52.
    The paper focuses on identifying the possible, and assumed, implications of the concept of the Anthropocene for thinking about the human in a philosophy that accepts the transition from Holocene to Anthropocene thinking. The aim of the paper is to produce a systematic treatment of the philosophical-anthropological presuppositions of the concept of the Anthropocene. Illuminating the relationship between the concepts of the Earth System, the planetary boundaries and the Anthropocene has to be the focus if we are to delineate the (...)
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