Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy

ISSNs: 0100-512X, 1019-8288

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  1.  6
    Deus: Não É o Que Você Pensa.Rogério Passos Severo & Mariana Garcia Vasconcellos - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (159):e-41949.
    ABSTRACT The sacred writings of a wide variety of religious traditions and the reports of saints and mystics of those same traditions present the spiritual domain in a paradoxical and mysterious manner, often incomprehensible. Those writings contrast starkly with the philosophical and theological discourse on those matters, which sought to describe clearly and precisely what is said ambiguously, metaphorically and indirectly in them. This paper advances an argument originally put forth by William James, according to which religious beliefs are grounded (...)
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    Os Apetites e a Tripartição da Alma Na República de Platão.Juliano Paccos Caram - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-40485.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to demonstrate how the text of the Plato’s Republic allows us to discuss the status of appetites and the appetitive principle (to epithymetikon) of the soul as different, trying to demonstrate that, when we do not exchange them for one another, the platonic theory of the soul is filled with even greater clarity and enables the reader to have a sharper understanding of the problem of possible psychic unity.
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    Naturalismo, Virtude e Sociabilidade Na Fábula Das Abelhas: Mandeville e Os Moralistas de Seu Tempo.Fernão de Oliveira Salles - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-44809.
    ABSTRACT By defending the general thesis that “private vices” were indispensable to obtaining “public benefits,” Bernard Mandeville’s The Fable of the Bees provoked outraged reactions and earned its author the reputation of an enemy of virtue. Among the criticisms made against him, the one according to which he had cunningly used a rigorist conception of virtue to demonstrate the impossibility of any genuinely virtuous action stands out. Taking this criticism as a motto and trying to see to what extent it (...)
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  4. En Torno Al Lenguaje Hacia 1916: La Crítica de Walter Benjamin Al Escrito de Habilitación Del Joven Heidegger.Maria Paula Viglione - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (158):e-42507.
    ABSTRACT This paper intends to analyze Walter Benjamin’s critique of Heidegger’s habilitation thesis Duns Scotus’s Doctrine of Categories and Meaning. This objective will be carried out from a contrast between Heidegger’s thesis and the essay that Benjamin writes at the same time entitled On Language as Such and on the Language of Man. Likewise, the reasons that lead Benjamin to critically comment on Heidegger’s thesis will be studied from two perspectives: the problem of translation and the Heideggerian recovery of Neo-Kantianism. (...)
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    Altruísmo, Simpatia e Modelos Evolucionários Na Teoria Ética de Hume.Pedro Fior Mota de Andrade - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45720.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I intend to offer an evolutionary interpretation of the concept of sympathy in Hume’s ethical theory based on the general tenets of contemporary evolutionary ethical theory. By presenting the conceptual frameworks that make up these theories, my argument involves specifying that, for both of them, the psychological mechanism of sympathy seems to figure as an essential evolutionary trait of moral and altruistic behavior in the human species. In the context of evolutionary biology, two evolutionary models have (...)
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    Educar Para a Democracia: Filosofia e Democracia a Partir Dos Escritos de Eric Weil Sobre a Educação.Judikael Castelo Branco - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45065.
    ABSTRACT This paper analyzes the role of philosophy in education for democratic experiences from Eric Weil’s writings on education. It begins with the question of education in the modern society from two of Weil’s concepts: “delusional reason” and the “gospel of pure violence”. The first refers to the scientific rationality of our civilization; the second expresses the language of neo-populist movements of a fascist nature. Both represent pressing challenges to education and, at the same time, forms of refusal of sensible (...)
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    Corpo e Capital Em Marx: A Natureza Humana Corpórea Nos Manuscritos Econômico-Filosóficos de 1844.Márcia dos Santos Fontes - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42169.
    ABSTRACT This paper will follow a path that intends to go beyond the bifurcating interpretations between ahistorical essentialism and historicist relativism with regard to the theoretical elaboration of “human nature” by the young Marx, analyzing it from the conception of the body as a dialectical unit between nature and history as it appears in his Manuscripts of 1844. Why does Marx focus on a theoretical elaboration of the production of human corporality while criticizing work under capital in these Manuscripts that (...)
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    A Questão Do “Comum”, a Alteridade No “Comum”.Reinaldo Furlan - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42492.
    ABSTRACT The question of the “common” has earned prominence in capitalism’s current stage, marked by the regression of the welfare state, privatization of services essential to life, and aggravation of income concentration and social inequalities around the world, in tandem with the exponential increase in the production of goods and wealth. We will address the question of the “common” based on two current views on the subject, those of the pairs Negri/Hardt and Dardot/Laval, particularly regarding the latter pair’s critique of (...)
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    Desacordo Genuíno No Conceito de Justiça: Um Debate Entre Kelsen e Dworkin.Luiza Gomes - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42334.
    ABSTRACT This paper aims to show that positivism and post-positivism’s philosophical and political bases, although distinct, have significant similarities. We’ll identify such similarities from the bibliographic review of two important works for this debate: “Pure Theory of Law” by Hans Kelsen and “Justice for Hedgehogs” by Ronald Dworkin. From the clarification of theoretical similarities of these two pieces our specific objective will be subdivided into establish the genuine agreements and disagreements of these two currents of thought in relation to the (...)
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    Identidad y Antagonismo En El Pensamiento de Ernesto Laclau.Hugo E. Herrera - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42660.
    ABSTRACT In the present work, we will determine the fundamental aspects of Laclau’s thought by considering the central role that the subject and the other have in it, both in the individual and in the collective or political sphere. Although the difference is a condition for unfolding consciousness, we will show that Laclau’s conception of the subject presents certain insufficiencies. They become especially relevant when addressing the political sphere. It is pertinent to warn, as Laclau does, regarding the limits of (...)
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    D’Alembert e a Varíola.Fabiano Lemos - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-36862.
    ABSTRACT The order assumed in the construction of the Encyclopédie, edited by Diderot and D’Alembert, supposes an epistemic and normative model that not only conditions the formation of the canon as a referential horizon, but simultaneously produces a template for the political administration of life, with significant consequences for the relationship between canonical discourse and biopolitics within Enlightenment. The article proposes an analysis of this double normative device, with its impasses and complex strategies of enunciation, through the investigation of the (...)
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    The Role of Externalism in Unsafe but Rational Reasoning.Roberto Horácio de Sa Pereira - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45350.
    RESUMO A recente publicação de Faria tem como objetivo demonstrar que, “se o anti-individualismo estiver correto, então a obscuridade da validade é mais ampla do que necessitamos presumir para os objetivos atuais.” Através da rejeição de “uma variedade de movimentos exculpatórios, projetados para blindar a racionalidade de um pensador possivelmente azarado,” Faria sugere que o externalismo de conteúdo pode afetar drasticamente nossa autocompreensão como seres racionais. Temo que tenha que discordar. Faria superintelectualiza o pensamento, sempre performado da perspectiva de primeira (...)
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    Tocqueville y Kierkegaard Ante El Fenómeno de la Nivelación En la Sociedad de Masas.Matías Quer - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-42222.
    ABSTRACT This article analyzes the concept of leveling as a political and social phenomenon in the mass society of the nineteenth century by Alexis de Tocqueville and Søren Kierkegaard. The use of this concept in the works of both authors is explained and, subsequently, a comparative analysis is carried out to find the common aspects and the differences that exist between the two. This analysis allows us how to understand the complexity of the phenomenon of leveling and of democratic equality, (...)
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    Casamento e Internação da Libido Em Agostinho Por Foucault.Luiz Marcos da Silva Filho - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-40061.
    ABSTRACT In this paper, I will examine Foucault’s “The Confessions of the Flesh”, with the purpose of understanding firstly why we find in Christianity and especially in Augustine’s work the most advanced matrimonial technology as an institution of internment of desire and fundamental of society. Then, starting from the thesis that “The Confessions of the Flesh” can be appreciated as another Anti-Oedipus, I will propose that they are not only an anti-psychoanalytic work, but also an anti-structuralist one, with the recognition (...)
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    Enactive Evaluative Sentimentalism.Rafael Vogelmann - 2024 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 65 (157):e-45023.
    RESUMO Defendo uma versão de sentimentalismo avaliativo segundo a qual (i) respostas afetivas são aparências de valor e (ii) juízos de valor podem repudiar ou assentir a essas aparências. O ponto de partida do meu argumento é a concepção enativa de afetividade de Giovanna Colombetti. De acordo com Colombetti, um ser afetivo é um que, por meio de sua atividade de produção de sentido, traça distinções significativas, permeadas de valores e, assim, produz um Umwelt (isto é, um ambiente que tem (...)
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