
ISSNs: 2358-8470, 2318-9428

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  1. O idealismo objetivo de Hegel e seu conceito de filosofia.Jonnefer Francisco Barbosa & Francisco Malê Vettorazzo Cannalonga - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):93-106.
    The question regarding the determination of Hegel's idealism remains central in Hegelian studies, today dominated by the view that such idealism would be merely a continuation and elaboration of Kant's transcendental idealism. Against this view, in this work we propose to investigate the way in which Hegel conceives philosophy, its task and its object and the way in which such a conception reveals the central determinations of his idealism, that is, the way in which Hegel's idealism has an explicit ontological (...)
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    O termo Verstehen como relação entre Psicologia e Teorica do Conhecimento na obra Ideias de Wilhelm Dilthey.Vinicius Aredes Barbosa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):177-188.
    The term Verstehen, during the 19th and 20th centuries, was widely used in philosophical currents such as hermeneutics, history and phenomenology. Even today, its conceptualization is discussed and applied in the scientific context of areas such as psychology, philosophy, law and others. This fact highlights its relevance and points to the need for continued investigation. Thus, the objective of the present work is to discuss the implications of Verstehen in the work Ideas on a descriptive and analytical psychology, 1894, by (...)
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    O conceito situacionista de cultura.Eurico Carvalho - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):121-132.
    This paper aims to present and discuss Guy Debord and the Situationists' conception of culture. In doing so, it is necessary to clear up a few misconceptions from the outset: contrary to appearances, they do not advocate an anti-cultural attitude. Contrariwise, we are at the antipodes of “Neo‑primitivism". When Debord asserts his rejection of contemporary “Neo‑primitivism”, this is akin, in Schillerian language, to rejecting the position of the “savage”, as depicted by Rousseau in his canonical romantic portrait. In the same (...)
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    O ‘núcleo racional’ da dialética hegeliana.Danilo Vaz-Curado R. M. Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):75-92.
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  5. Pressupostos teórico-metodológicos da análise arqueológica do discurso – AAD: Escavando a Arqueologia do Saber.Andrea Cardoso da Silva & Erenildo João Carlos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):161-176.
    Throughout his life, Foucault's investigations were marked by different interests and, therefore, took place in various locations. Scholars (Machado, 2009; Aquino, 2013, Veiga-Neto, 2014) point out three phases in this journey: the archaeological, centered on knowledge; a genealogical one, interested in power; and ethics, external to the constitution of the subject. Focusing on the first phase, this article records a series of theoretical-methodological assumptions of Archaeological Discourse Analysis – AAD. The findings found and noted in this article result from an (...)
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  6. O Niilismo retratado nos personagens de Camu.Michelle Ferreira de Lima - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):133-148.
    The aim of this article is to argue about the nihilistic experiences of Camus's characters, and to demonstrate that Camus's essayistic reflection on the themes of absurdity, suicide, murder, nihilism and revolt are effectively worked out in the novel and theater that complement each other within the fabric of Camus's cyclical work. To this end, an analysis will be carried out mainly on the works: The Adulterous Woman (short story), which brings a reflection on the negation of life; escape and (...)
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  7. Os deslocamentos do particular na estética de Theodor Adorno.Fabiano Leite França - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):29-42.
    These work proposes to delimit and put into perspective the spot of the particular in Theodor Adorno's aesthetics, based on his displacements, especially considering: 1) the relationship between specific works of art and the tradition; 2) the relationship between works of art with themselves and with society; and, 3) the relationship between the particular and the universal – as a critical appropriation of Hegel's thought by Adorno, explicit in specific works by Beethoven and Berg. The relational juxtaposition, as superscripted in (...)
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    Human rights and the context problem.Leilane Serratine Grubba & Sérgio Ricardo Fernandes de Aquino - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):189-200.
    O artigo tem como objetivo analisar os direitos humanos de uma forma contextual e complexa. Questionaremos a concepção hegemônica, ocidental e contemporânea dos direitos humanos, mobilizando a teoria crítica da reinvenção dos direitos humanos, desenvolvida por Joaquín Herrera Flores. A partir da crítica filosófica dos direitos humanos, aponta-se que a categoria pretendida de dignidade humana não deve ser universal, mas analisada contextualmente e materialmente. Nesse sentido, os direitos humanos não devem ter uma delimitação conceitual prévia, mas devem incluir os anseios (...)
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    Phan Boi Chau's patriotic thought and revolutionary activities in the early twentieth century and the significance in Vietnam today.Linh Huynh - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):149-160.
    Os pensamentos de Phan Boi Chau são uma valiosa herança histórica e uma fonte prática de inspiração, contribuindo para a construção de um Vietnã civilizado, moderno e único no futuro. Ao construir um país forte e desenvolvido no Vietnã, estudar os pensamentos de Phan Boi Chau fornece uma perspectiva abrangente sobre questões econômicas, políticas e sociais, encontrando assim soluções apropriadas para enfrentar os desafios modernos no contexto da globalização e garantindo um desenvolvimento sustentável e harmonioso. Este estudo, portanto, examina o (...)
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    Da unidade no múltiplo: sobre a multidimensionalidade do humano segundo Max Scheler e Viktor Frankl.Roberto S. Kahlmeyer-Mertens & Giovani Augusto dos Santos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):43-56.
    The theme of the writing is the multidimensionality of the human being from the perspective of two authors: Max Scheler and Viktor Frankl. Regarding this, we ask: how does the notion of person enable an understanding of the unity of the human from the multiplicity of its dimensions? An essay responding to this problem is linked to Scheler philosophical anthropology and Frankl's dimensional ontology. Here the referred multiplicity is investigated from Frankl's understanding of the human under the influence of Scheler. (...)
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  11. Gadamer e os conceitos básicos do humanismo: entre o sim e o não a Kant.Leandro José Rocha - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):11-28.
    This paper examines Gadamer's interpretation of Kantian notions of concepts such as culture, sensus communis, judgment, and taste, as presented by Gadamer in Truth and Method, within the context of the guiding concepts of humanism. By contrasting Gadamer's citations of Kant with a broader reading of Kant's texts, as well as Gadamer's comments on Kant, it becomes evident that, although Gadamer extensively draws on Kant and adopts his terminology, he interprets these concepts in Kant differently, even when directly referring to (...)
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    A problemática divisão de competências entre tribunal constitucional e legislador democrático em Habermas.Mateus Salvadori - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):107-120.
    The problem of the division of competences between the constitutional court and the democratic legislator has been the subject of intense debates in the philosophy of law, especially when examined in light of Habermas' theory. This article proposes a detailed analysis of this issue, focusing on the articulation of theoretical currents that revolve around the issue of making the control of constitutionality exercised by the courts compatible with the principle of the sovereignty of the people. Our aim is to examine (...)
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    As críticas de Leibniz à teoria da percepção de Descartes.William Teixeira - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):57-74.
    This paper’s aim is to try to answer the critiques made by Leibniz against Descartes’ theory of perception. The first of these critiques concerns the so-called ‘idea-picture’. The answer to this critique will be given on the basis of the Cartesian theory of ‘causal dissimilarity’ between the object of perception and the sensations brought about by it. The second critique refers to the qualia, that is, the supposed disconnection and arbitrariness between the content of the mental representation (the idea) and (...)
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    President Ho Chi Minh’s philosophical thought on diplomacy.Vu Toan - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (3):201-210.
    O pensamento filosófico de Ho Chi Minh sobre a diplomacia entre o Vietnã e outros países constitui o fio condutor que guia as atividades de relações exteriores do Partido Comunista do Vietnã e do Estado do Vietnã na sua política interna de renovação. Pode se constatar, como resultado, que o Vietnã tem alcançado um significativo nível de desenvolvimento socioeconômico. Durante o período de renovação, o Pensamento de Ho Chi Minh serviu de inspiração profunda ao Partido Comunista; é de se notar (...)
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    A unidade na fenomenologia de Edmund Husserl.Daniel Branco - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):117-126.
    This article aims to study Edmund Husserl's phenomenology using the Husserlian concept of unity as a framework. Connected to different nuances of this phenomenology, unity will be investigated in six sections, which will present the difficulties inherent in phenomenology, Husserl's critique of Locke and Berkeley, representation and abstraction, intuition and the Lebenswelt, and intentionality and seeing.
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    A destinação do erudito em Fichte.Guilherme Felipe Carvalho - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):127-138.
    This article aims to examine Johann Gottlieb Fichte's lectures on the destination of the erudite, in particular his contributions to thinking about ethics. In this writing, the philosopher makes a series of reflections on the role of each individual in society, and states that each one has a vocation to be freely chosen, and therefore exercised. Since human beings are essentially dignified, they are allowed to use only things and not their fellow human beings: as a result, they are their (...)
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    Consequências Políticas do Construtivismo Social.Gustavo Castanon, Frederico Krepe & José Olavo Smanio Brando - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):91-106.
    The so-called 'New Social Movements' (feminist, LGBTQIA+, and racialist) have largely abandoned liberal and Marxist traditions and embraced relativist theses, aligning themselves with what is currently called 'Identity Politics'. The main theses of these groups have a strong influence from Social Constructivism in Sociology of Science and end up generating consequences opposite to those intended when applied to politics. We identify seven of these consequences here: the dissolution of the concept of active subject, the justification of authoritarianism and political violence, (...)
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    The dialectic between allegory and symbol in Origin of the German Trauerspiel.Eduardo García Elizondo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):49-62.
    The present work proposes to analyze the dialectic between allegory and symbol elaborated from Walter Benjamin's rhetorical-aesthetic reading of the artistic form of the German Trauerspiel. Based on this, through a way of expository interpretation, we will address how the following three key moments are articulated in the book on the German Trauerspiel: the link between the Trauerspiel and the profane scene of reading, the particularity of allegorical signification, and the inseparability of allegory and mourning. From the exposition of these (...)
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    Developing high-quality human resources in Vietnam from the perspective of Marxist philosophy on human nature.Pham Thi Kien - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):177-190.
    Este artigo analisa a visão filosófica marxista da natureza humana e como aplicar essa perspectiva no desenvolvimento de recursos humanos de alta qualidade no Vietnã hoje, tendo por base a metodologia materialista dialética e o materialismo histórico, com foco na natureza humana e no conceito de natureza humana como o total das relações sociais; analisa também, com base nos mesmos conceitos, os desafios e oportunidades para o desenvolvimento de recursos humanos no contexto da industrialização, modernização e integração internacionais, além de (...)
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    Da singularidade como acontecimento estético.Pedro Pennycook - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):151-164.
    We usually don’t acknowledge social mediation when speaking about subjective experiences in day-to-day life, which relies instead on a unitary and essentialist notion of identity. I initially explore this statement by examining how Kant changes his view on singular-universal relation from the first to the third Critique. A closer look at the reflexive judgment and how it states singularity as a non-conceptualised event follows from that. I then argue in favour of an affinity between an aesthetic notion of singularity, such (...)
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    A questão da afirmação da existência em O nascimento da tragédia de Friedrich Nietzsche.Camilo Lelis Jota Pereira - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):33-48.
    This artic explores Nietzsche's concepts regarding the formation of art, as presented in "The Birth of Tragedy," investigating the duality between the Apollonian and Dionysian artistic impulses. The central focus lies in the aesthetic justification of existence through art, whether through the form provided by the Apollonian or through the duality between the Apollonian and Dionysian in tragic art, as a fundamental interplay of human experience. We will argue about the tension between universal unity and individuality, which the philosopher presents (...)
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    Conhecimento e indeterminação em Bergson.Demétrio Rocha Pereira & Gabriel Cunha Hickmann - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):79-90.
    This article reviews Bergson’s proposed solution to the classical mind-body problem, confronting his system with previous alternatives, but mainly Kant's. To this end, it offers an analysis of Matter and memory’s main argument, aimed at discerning its consequences for a competing definition of knowledge.
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    Marx e o processo revolucionário em Hannah Arendt e em Simone Weil.Eduardo Lucas Alves Rodrigues - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):139-150.
    Our article aims to present a comparative study on the thoughts of two of the Hannah Arendt and Simone Weil, specifically, about the reflections of this revolutionary project by Marx. In order to achieve this goal, we will make a specific cut in one of the works of each of these philosophers. In Hannah Arendt we will follow the philosopher's thinking, specifically in her book On Revolution (1963) in the chapters The Social Question and The Revolutionary Tradition and Its Lost (...)
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    Antes do nascimento da Biopolítica: para pensar o surgimento de uma noção em Michel Foucault.Helena Almeia E. Silva Sampaio & Luiz Guilherme Augsburger - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):21-32.
    Given the relevance and frequent presence in academic research of the notion of “biopolitics” – developed by the philosopher Michel Foucault –, this article seeks to contribute to the understanding of this notion and its conceptual emergence. To this end, the article analyses the four books published by M. Foucault prior to the initial use of the term “biopolitics” in the second half of the 1970s, aiming so to identify within them the presence of constituent elements of the notion. Elements (...)
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    Direito e ética na arquitetônica kantiana – uma crítica à tese da dependência.Cleiton Santos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):165-176.
    This article presents a critique of the thesis of the dependence of right to morals in Kantian philosophy. The guiding thread of our analysis will be the exposition of such reading through Höffe's arguments, which he presents in his article concluding a categorical imperative of right. We base our critique on the insufficient foundations of the moral concept of right and the obligatoriness of legal actions. Furthermore, this article aims to present a correct reading of right and ethics as subclasses (...)
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    Uma investigação sobre o trágico grego na filosofia de Martin Heidegger.Marina Coelho Santos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):63-78.
    The aim of this paper is to understand the place of tragedy and the tragic in Heidegger's philosophy. To do this, we analyzed a compilation of references in which the German philosopher mentions Greek tragedy or the notion of tragic. In the end, it was possible to conclude from his direct citations to tragedy and tragedy, that this theme is constituted and based on the way Heidegger thinks about the history of being, but not only that, it is possible to (...)
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    Eugenia e liberalismo.Jorge Alberto Ramos Sarmento - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):11-20.
    The present work aims to develop, very briefly, some reflections on eugenics, as a method of social selectivity, and its relationship with liberalism in current societies. To this end, at first I presented the presence of eugenics sinc Antiquity, its intimate relationship with genetics, as well as the process of instrumentalization of science, externalized in the criticism of some epistemologists. In the second moment we seek to present the investigation regarding the ethical problems arising from research directed to biogenetics from (...)
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    Análises argumentativo-conceituais acerca do Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus de Ludwig Wittgenstein.Euclides Souza - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (2):107-116.
    The work of Ludwig Wittgenstein called Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, at the same time that represents a great contribution to a change of conception concerning the language and it’s capacities to deal with the reality and a comprehension of the external world, brings within itself a series of argumentative/conceptual problems as well, which seem that have got out of author’s control, revealing a polemic work with a strong presence in the debates about Philosophy Of Language and Ontology. The dogmatic aspect, compounding a (...)
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    Os recônditos da modernidade: história e utopia em Kant e Adorno.Alan Duarte Araújo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):51-68.
    This paper aims to elucidate the meanings of the concept of modernity, highlighting its contradictory core and the theoretical and practical implications of this contradiction. To this end, we turn to the works of the German philosopher Immanuel Kant (1724-1804), as a paradigmatic intellectual expression of modernity, insofar as the author highlights notions that seem central to understanding the specificity of his time, which are brought together in his reflections on history and human progress, in the context of the enlightenment (...)
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    O Ateísmo Militante: Onfray e Richard Dawkins.Wesley Barbosa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):69-82.
    Militant atheism suffers from the same evil that originates from Judeo-Christian religious fanaticism. He holds the truth. And as a hallmark of this good news, it must convert the uninformed or alienated and deceived, preaching their unbelief to the six corners of the Earth. Before the problem of whether God exists or not, there is the problem of dogmatism, fundamentalism, fanaticism, whatever it is. If all believers lived in peace among themselves, and among atheists, and these with those, there would (...)
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    Nietzsche e os rumos para uma teoria trágica do conhecimento científico.Bruno Camilo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):119-136.
    The purpose of this article is to point out five aspects of Nietzschean thought that may be relevant to debates in the philosophy of science around the nature and representation of scientific knowledge. To this end, a literature review is carried out with the aim of selecting excerpts from Nietzschean works such as The Birth of Tragedy, Genealogy of Morals, The Gay Science and others that allow us to interpret Nietzsche as a philosopher of science concerned with the construction of (...)
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    De Gilles Deleuze a Michel Onfray: Pela busca de algum tipo revolucionário.Abraão Lincoln Ferreira Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):161-170.
    Based on the readings of the philosophers Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari and Michel Onfray, the present article aims to carry out a critical assessment based on what is meant by “control society” and then, inspired by the Nietzschean philosophy of “Super human” [Übermensch], verify the feasibility of flourishing a human type whose creative and courageous posture surpasses the most adverse hypotheses of postmodernity. That said, the research adopts the following method: first, succinctly, to present the development of the different record (...)
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    Artificialidade e insuficiência da classificação de Kant quanto aos argumentos teístas.Luís Eduardo Ramos de Souza & Arthur Henrique Soares dos Santos - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):83-98.
    In the Transcendental Dialectic of the Critique of Pure Reason (1787), Kant argues for the impossibility of theistic arguments, namely the ontological, cosmological, and physico-theological arguments. However, his objection relies on his classification of theistic arguments, which has been criticized by analytical philosophers of religion such as Plantinga (2012) and Swinburne (2019). Therefore, this paper aims to critically investigate two problems related to this classification: the systematic criteria of its classification and the historical sufficiency of its three theistic proofs. Regarding (...)
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    A import'ncia da paz na trilogia temática de Norberto Bobbio.José Francisco de Assis Dias - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):171-190.
    The central theme of the present study is the importance of "Peace" in Norberto Bobbio's thematic trilogy, namely: Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace, as interconnected and necessary elements for historical and social progress. The objective is to explore the interaction between Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace, advocated by Bobbio, and its significance for the construction of a just and peaceful society. The relationship between Democracy, Human Rights, and Peace as essential components of a historical movement towards social progress will be (...)
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    Édipo Sobredeterminado: Mamãe, Papai e Eu enquanto máquinas-desejantes.Jerry Aline Flieger, Flávia Cristina Silveira Lemos, William de Siqueira Piauí & Lauro Iane de Morais - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):241-266.
    Trata-se do capítulo “Overdetermined Oedipus: Mommy, Daddy, and Me as Desiring-Machine” in: BUCHANAN, Ian. (Org). A Deleuzian Century?. Durham: Duke University Press, 1999. (N.T.).
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  36. Uma reflexão sobre o conceito de cidadania de Aristóteles, o atual e os grupos minoritários.Alvaro de Azevedo Gonzaga, Felipe Labruna & Karen Maximo Magalhães - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):41-50.
    The scope of this article is to propose a reflection about the concept of citizenship presented by Aristotle in his work “Politics”, and which people were considered citizens then in comparison to nowadays. There is no intention to make a deep historical assessment about the particularities of each period of time, but analyse the characteristics which kept some groups inside of the political life and as well kept other groups away from it, in order to demonstrate how strong is the (...)
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    A prática filosófica no Brasil: em diálogo com Gonçalo Palácios.Luciane Luisa Lindenmeyer - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):227-238.
    This essay deals with metaphilosophical issues, i.e., different ways of “doing philosophy” and their possible applications for the formulation of a properly Brazilian philosophy. The arguments are drawn from questions that constitute the instigating and pertinent book by Gonçalo Palácios entitled De como fazer filosofia sem ser grego, estar morto ou ser gênio. In order to problematize the increasingly explored question of whether there is a Brazilian philosophy, firstly, I interact with some problems raised in the mentioned work, such as (...)
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    Confucius’s doctrine of the rectification of names.Cao Xuan Long & Nguyen Quoc Viet - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):219-226.
    Confúcio (551 aC - 479 aC) - foi um filósofo, professor e estadista bem conhecido, bastante influente durante os períodos de Primavera-Outono dos Estados Combatentes na China. Somados a esses atributos, destaca-se o fato de ele ter sido um pensador que transmitiu à humanidade numerosos conceitos perspicazes, dentre os quais a doutrina da "retificação de nomes" (正名 - zhèng míng). Esta doutrina, que tem caráter profundo, abrangente e metódico, procura resgatar a sociedade de um estado de caos para um estado (...)
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    Desejo, Representação e Estado – Influências de Marx e Engels em Deleuze e Guattari.Matheus Marcus Gabriel Mellado - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):137-160.
    In this work, we will try to outline the position of desire and representation in the constitution of the capture apparatus of the imperial machine. For this, we will try to represent the way in which the libido itself is represented both in the primitive socius and in the barbarian socius. To carry out this path, we will start from two base texts: the first will be The Anti-Oedipus, where we trace the genesis of production, registration and consumption; together with (...)
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    Walter Benjamin lector del Banquete: un Platón antimítico.Raimundo Fernández Mouján - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):11-28.
    Even if it has not been so thoroughly investigated, the importance of Platonic philosophy in Benjamin’s work can hardly be argued. Numerous texts, notes and letters reveal the presence of Plato in Benjamin’s thought. But it is specially The origin of German Trauerspiel the place where Benjamin takes Plato’s philosophy most explicitly and extensively. In the “Epistemocritical Preface” –where he develops his theory of knowledge through a revindication and reinterpretation of the Platonic “doctrine of ideas”– as well as in other (...)
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    O letramento racial entre as relações sociais de poder em Frantz Fanon e para o bem das gerações futuras de Annette Baier.Mônica Parreiras - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):191-204.
    This article has, as an end in itself, the latent and pulsating objective of serving as a tool for introductory awakening to the process of racial literacy. As a further objective, I seek to point out the importance of this process in the family, institutional and social spheres, in order to minimally incite people to an anti-racist education. To this end, I start from the precision of concepts related to literacy and literacy systems, working with some concepts that are part (...)
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    A representatividade da concepção de pluralidade em Sócrates e Platão: reflexões à luz do pensamento de Hannah Arendt.Jenerton Arlan Schütz & Odair Neitzel - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):29-40.
    This article is the result of a bibliographic and hermeneutic investigation. In the light of Hannah Arendt's thought, the writing thematizes the representativeness of the conception of human plurality present in the reflections of Socrates and Plato. First, it investigates how the conception of plurality is present in the thought of Socrates, considered by Arendt, a political philosopher par excellence and the one who established plurality as the law of the Earth. Therefore, the conception of plurality manifested in Plato's reflections (...)
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    Tempo, espaço e causalidade na primeira e segunda fases do pensamento de Nietzsche a partir de um estudo comparativo com a epistemologia de Schopenhauer.Márcio Luiz Silva & Ricardo de Oliveira Toledo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):99-118.
    This article has two tasks: to investigate the notions of space, time and causality in Schopenhauer’s theory of knowledge and, subsequently, to carry out a comparative study of the results obtained with the epistemological considerations between the first and second phase of Nietzsche’s thought. It is understood that conclusions concerning the world as representation had an echo in the first digressions of the author of The Birth of Tragedy on the conceptions of space, time and causality. However, the departures begin (...)
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    Women in vietnamese confucianism from a femnist perspective.Lê Thị Ngọc Điệp, Trần Cao Bội Ngọc & Trần Phú Huệ Quang - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (1):205-218.
    O confucionismo existe, na vida espiritual do povo vietnamita, desde muito tempo. A parte positiva do Confucionismo pode-se dizer que é o fato de ele contribuir para o fortalecimento das relações familiares, entre os parentes, bem como nas relações sociais de um modo geral; outra parte positiva consiste em motivar as pessoas a desenvolverem o gosto pela leitura e aprendizagem. Estima-se que a ética confucionista precisa ser provocada, a fim de contribuir para a construção da sociedade nos dias atuais. Na (...)
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  45. The value of testimonial-based beliefs in the face of AI-generated quasi-testimony.Felipe Alejandro Álvarez Osorio & Ruth Marcela Espinosa Sarmiento - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):25-38.
    The value of testimony as a source of knowledge has been a subject of epistemological debates. The "trust theory of testimony" suggests that human testimony is based on an affective relationship supported by social norms. However, the advent of generative artificial intelligence challenges our understanding of genuine testimony. The concept of "quasi-testimony" seeks to characterize utterances produced by non-human entities that mimic testimony but lack certain fundamental attributes. This article analyzes these issues in depth, exploring philosophical perspectives on testimony and (...)
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    Filosofia e literatura desde o primado do poético no campo transcendental.Abah Andrade - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):11-22.
    Há a Nous, área noética e/ou campo transcendental, que tem a forma caótica da alegoria, a qual dou o nome de “forma esquizofrênica”, de onde saem os símbolos como modos de fazer mundos e habitá-los. Cada um desses modos são logoi, e nenhum logos é capaz de capturar e trazer para si o todo de sua fonte. A fonte é produção infinita. Os logoi são meros produtos. Como isso só pode se dar no interior de uma teoria do conhecimento, eis (...)
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    Literatura e espírito de vingança?Simone Brantes - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):131-144.
    Through an analysis of the histrionic “man of acute consciousness”” in Notes from Underground, this text tries to highlight a sneaky question posed by Dostoevsky's novel: is it in the underground’s ground that literature is born?
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    O mundo proseado: encontros com Melrleau-Ponty, Guimarães Rosa e Christopher Bollas.Iraquitan de Oliveira Caminha - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):91-100.
    Our intention is to problematize the use of language in the context in which prose is used to say the world in which we live. The world is the place where we establish our common dwelling within language. To make the route of our elaborations, we walked with Merleau-Ponty, Guimarães Rosa and Christopher Bollas. Philosophy, Literature and Psychoanalysis are summoned to think that every reflection carries with itself an irreducible existential dimension, which precedes every form of thought. The original character (...)
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    On the possession and attribution problems for collective know-how.Felipe Morales Carbonell - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):87-102.
    En este ensayo, examino dos problemas que cualquier teoría del saber cómo y en particular una teoría del saber como grupal debe tratar: el problema de la posesión, que es la necesidad de explicar como un grupo puede estar en un estado de saber como hacer algo, y el problema de la atribución, que es la necesidad de dar cuenta de las condiciones en las que es admisible atribuir saber como a un grupo. Argumento que (a pesar de ciertas apariencias (...)
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    O Niilismo em Ivan Karamázov: Em constante referência a Nietzsche.Robson Costa Cordeiro - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):113-130.
    The article seeks to think about Ivan Karamazov's nihilism in three decisive chapters of “the brothers Karamazov”, “the revolt”, “the grand inquisitor” and “the devil. Ivan Fiódorovitch’s Nightmare”, making constant reference to Nietzsche’s thoughts. By examining these chapters, the article seeks to reflect on the fundamental problem of human freedom and the conflict between faith and reason, presenting the decisive elements of Dostoievsky's critique of institutional Christianity and its inversion of the meaning of compassion.
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    Apresentação.Robson Costa Cordeiro & Affonso Henrique Vieira da Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):7-10.
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    Ho Chi Minh's philosophical thought on the role of the people.Nguyen Duy Cuong - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):145-154.
    No século XXI, o mundo se depara com grandes desafios políticos em relação à cultura, à sociedade e, especialmente, ao meio ambiente, não obstante desfrutar de brilhantes conquistas na ciência e na tecnologia, e, sobretudo, naeconomia. Observa-se que estesdesafios aumentam cada vez mais, e afetam a sobrevivência humana. Desse modo, buscar o desenvolvimento sustentável deve se tornar o objetivo central nas políticas de cada país.De acordo com a ideia de desenvolvimento social, segundo o pensamento de Ho Chi Minh, as decisões (...)
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    Anotações acerca da implicação entre falar, ler e escrever.Affonso Henrique Vieira da Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):23-32.
    The work proposed here seeks to think, based on a reflection on the relationship between philosophy and literature, the implication between speaking, reading and writing. To do this, it starts with thinkers such as Gadamer, Heidegger and Jean-Luc Nancy.
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    Nomes descritivos e pensamentos singulares.Max da Costa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):55-66.
    The aim of this text is to discuss a tension in the philosophy of language involving descriptive names. Descriptive names are those introduced or fixed in language through a definite description. The debate centers on whether the introduction of a name into discourse generates a new singular thought, i.e., a direct thought about an object that is not mediated by a definite description. Gareth Evans (1982) argues that descriptive names are incapable of producing singular thoughts, whereas David Kaplan (1989) contends (...)
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    Why not so serious? Pragmatic devices in jokes.Deiver Vinícius de Melo & Pedro Daher Novo - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):67-86.
    A pergunta fundamental na filosofia do humor é: o que nos faz rir? Neste artigo, defenderemos a chamada teoria da incongruência, segundo a qual o riso é provocado pela apresentação de aspectos inconsistentes em um proferimento. Para isso, analisaremos como a pragmática da linguagem fornece maneiras de apresentar incongruências em piadas escritas e faladas e, consequentemente, de provocar a diversão cômica em uma audiência. Nosso foco será em implicaturas conversacionais, atos de fala e pressuposições, e como eles são usados em (...)
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    Filosofia e Literatura.Gilvan Fogel - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):61-76.
    Literatur (Dichtung) und Philosophie treffen sich im Worten, als Wort. Beiden Worte des Denkens, d. h., des Sehens der Wirklichkeit in ihre Errichung oder Gründung. Der Dichter João Cabral de Melo Neto wird als Muster einer Dichtung genommen, die, als und aus Wort, will es “sichtbar machen” (P. Klee) oder “donner à voir” (P. Valéry). So geschiet auch eine ungewönhliche Sprach- und Wirklichkeitserfahrung!
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    ¿Puede la IA ser confiable?Rodrigo González - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):11-24.
    En este trabajo analizo por qué hay gente que desconfía en la IA, y cómo esta puede ser confiable. En específico, describo los orígenes de la desconfianza, hago un diagnóstico de la incertidumbre que pArovoca, y ofrezco una clave para una IA confiable. En la primera sección, trato con cómo las máquinas no han sido consideradas confiables, lo cual es la esencia de la desconfianza en la IA: tal como muestro, ha habido un cambio desde un debate académico acerca de (...)
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    O ser-aí e o sorriso.Carlos Roberto Guimarães - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):33-44.
    The phenomenon of smiling is the central theme of this text. Despite the risks and difficulties inherent to a topic little covered by Heidegger and also by secondary literature, we start from an assumption that presents itself as an unavoidable fact: the smile is one of the human being's faculties. Not only that: as Aristotle already said, he is the only being who laughs. In other words: somehow the smile makes him unique, distinguishing him from animals. Taking this singularity into (...)
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    Plato's Thought on the State and its significance to the development of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.Than Thi Hanh & Tran Van Phung - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):155-166.
    O estado, em sentido amplo, pode ser entendido como um conjunto de teorias, cujo núcleo e relações tem despertado, desde muito tempo, o interesse em desvendar por muitos filósofos. O interesse sobre o estado configura a base para os estudos científicos, com o objetivo de prever a evolução, formas e modelos de estado futuros. Nesse sentido, teorizar sobre as formas de estado constitui uma forma concreta que nos ajuda entender a constituição de estados modernos, como, no caso, o estado do (...)
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    Embodied cognition and pleasure in ancient comic anger.Manuela Irarrazabal - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):103-116.
    Este artículo explora la aplicación de un modelo de cognición encarnada como lente para entender la ira en Lisístrata de Aristófanes. Se argumenta que la representación de la ira en esta comedia sigue un patrón encontrado en diferentes géneros de la literatura griega en que la emoción es asociada a un elemento de placer. Este elemento sensorial es encontrado desde una manera más articulada en Aristóteles hasta una variedad de metáforas que conectan la ira y el erotismo en otros autores. (...)
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    Eros & Logos: da poesia à filosofia, e vice-versa.Patrícia Lavelle - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):101-112.
    In an essayistic and experimental approach, which includes the reconstruction of conceptual contexts and poetic writing, this article interrogates the passages and hybridizations between poetry and philosophy from the point of view of their relation to Eros. Thus, in dialogues with Sappho, Anne Carson, Walter Benjamin and Hans Blumenberg, I present the notion of “eroticization of language” as a point of convergence between poetic production and theoretical impulse.
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    A diversidade do novo mecanicismo na ciência cognitiva: uma análise das propostas de Bechtel e Piccinini.Diego Leite - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):39-54.
    Prominent authors of new mechanism in cognitive science propose to integrate and unify the field theoretically through the articulation of a mechanistic theory of human cognition. The work of William Bechtel and Gualtiero Piccinini are examples of this proposal. However, an ambitious unification project like this encounters a series of obstacles in cognitive science, traditionally characterized by fragmentation, dispersiveness and theoretical diversity. In this work, I show the substantial differences in the different versions of the theoretical proposals presented on the (...)
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    Presentation.César Fernando Meurer - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):7-10.
    In answer to the question in the title, I suggest that philosophy of cognition and language benefits from (i) a problem-oriented approach, (ii) a distinction between an epistemological and a metaphysical stance, (iii) the embracing of one of many ways of handling empirical information, and (iv) a distinction between a synchronic and a diachronic view of the object of study.
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    Linguagem e sertão em João Guimarães Rosa.Fernando Mendes Pessoa - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):45-60.
    O texto faz uma interpretação da obra de João Guimarães Rosa, Grande sertão: veredas, a fim de mostrar o propósito metafísico de sua linguagem, considerando tanto o mistério de sua criação, quanto o desígnio de proporcionar ao seu leitor uma experiência desse mistério, que o desperte para a descoberta de si mesmo com a repetição do processo da criação.
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    “Psicologia da composição” – aproximação do pensamento de João Cabral de Melo Neto.Glória Maria Ferreira Ribeiro - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):77-90.
    This paper aims to analyze the poem "Psychology of Composition" by João Cabral de Melo Neto, seeking to comprehend poetry and poetic creation through the phenomenon of language as understood by Martin Heidegger.
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    O problema da troca de assunto na abordagem austera de Herman Cappelen da engenharia conceitual.Jonathas Kilque Villanova - 2024 - Aufklärung 11 (Especial):117-132.
    This paper examines the change of subject problem in conceptual engineering, focusing on Herman Cappelen's austere approach. We present two versions of the problem: the verbal disputes objection and the content instability objection. We analyze how Cappelen addresses these objections using the notions of "topic" and "topic similarity". We argue that while his response to the verbal disputes objection is satisfactory, his approach fails to adequately deal with the content instability objection. Specifically, Cappelen does not provide sufficient resources to identify (...)
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    O que a linguagem do Terceiro Reich – como descrito por Klemperer – pode nos ensinar sobre certezas no sentido de Wittgenstein.José María Ariso - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):21-36.
    Victor Klemperer (1881-1960) foi um professor alemão de línguas românicas que ficou famoso especialmente pelos escritos em que ele relatou como os nazis deformaram a língua alemã ao ponto de desenvolver o que ele chamou de “a língua do Terceiro Reich”. Neste artigo, pretendo explicar o que esta língua revela sobre certezas, compreendidas no sentido de Wittgenstein, o que, por sua vez, também pode contribuir para fornecer uma visão mais abrangente da medida em que a língua do Terceiro Reich foi (...)
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    O papel da cultura na hermenêutica jurídica.Juan Arcides Chirino Colina & Mauro Augusto Ponce de Leão Braga - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):141-150.
    Este é um estudo sobre a mediação da cultura no processo de compreensão e interpretação das normas jurídicas na determinação de seu significado e alcance de sua aplicação concreta, com base no estudo da obra Verdade e Método, de Hans-Georg Gadamer, analisa-se o papel da cultura no procedimento hermenêutico jurídico, tanto do ponto de vista do intérprete, quanto do destinatário da norma jurídica, onde o jurista entra no jogo da interpretação da norma, com o conjunto de preconceitos proporcionado pela tradição, (...)
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    Três objeções ao uso de violência em defesa de animais não-humanos e por que elas fracassam.Gabriel Garmendia da Trindade - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):123-140.
    No presente artigo analisarei as três principais objeções comumente empregadas para rejeitar o uso de violência em defesa de animais não-humanos. Existe a ideia de que a violência é inerentemente errada e sempre deveria ser repudiada – eu chamo isso de ‘Objeção do Pacifista Absoluto’. Há também a perspectiva de que a utilização de violência por ativistas interespécies acaba alienando o grande público do movimento pelos direitos dos animais não-humanos como um todo – eu me refiro a esse argumento como (...)
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    O fundo obscuro da alma: Baumgarten e os fundamentos metafísicos da Estética.Douglas Chaves de Souza - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):37-54.
    Este artigo propõe um estudo sobre algumas reflexões filosóficas feitas por Alexander Baumgarten no contexto dos desdobramentos do racionalismo escolástico de Leibniz. Investigarei as teses metafísicas, sobretudo as que explicam a estrutura do conhecimento sensível, a psicologia empírica e as faculdades da gnosiologia inferior. Além disso, veremos de que maneira Baumgarten retoma as teorias clássicas da retórica e da poética para criar seu sistema das artes, examinando o papel das percepções da alma na produção e contemplação da beleza. Por fim, (...)
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    A educação é uma ideia, segundo Kant: a unidade dos conceitos de doutrina e arte de educaar.Tomaz Martins da Silva Filho - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):151-160.
    Nos escritos kantianos sobre o tema da educação (Erziehung), podemos perceber que o filósofo refere-se ao processo educativo de diversos modos, seja como sendo uma arte de educar (Erziehungskunst), como formação (Bildung), como doutrina da educação (Erziehungslehre) ou como sendo uma ideia (Idee). Essa multiplicidade de noções não é de modo algum arbitrária, mas cada uma se relaciona entre si e tem como ponto fulcral o conceito de educação como uma ideia, isto é, um conceito da razão que seja a (...)
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  72.  23
    O conceito de contradição em Hegel e a Logica Difusa.Michele Borges Heldt - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):101-108.
    Em minha tese de doutorado defendi que, para compreender como Hegel articula a passagem da contradição dialética à lógica, o conceito hegeliano de contradição deve ser analisado sob a perspectiva de uma antinomia. Para sustentar este argumento, propus uma atualização deste conceito a partir de uma estrutura antinômica. Essa atualização, porém, trouxe um outro problema: nessa reconstrução, a contradição, em Hegel, continua a se desenvolver de maneira gradativa, ao passo que a lógica tradicional trabalha apenas com valores de p e (...)
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    A respeito da crítica de Schopenhauer à doutrina do direito de Kant.Antonio Alves P. Junior - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):109-122.
    No presente artigo tenho o intento de demonstrar o motivo de Schopenhauer ser um crítico ferrenho da doutrina do direito de Kant, e para tal empreendimento, além das investigações na Metafísica dos costumes, obra capital onde se encontram os conteúdos sobre a doutrina do direito de Kant, restrinjo minhas explicações em relação aos textos de Schopenhauer, principalmente em Sobre o fundamento da moral (para nesse caso, expor a crítica da ética na forma legislativa-imperativa), ao § 62 do primeiro tomo de (...)
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    Haití como no-lugar: la revolución racializada y la filosofía hegeliana de la historia.Angelo Narváez León - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):55-66.
    En este artículo analizaremos los posibles criterios epistemológicos que, en el contexto de la filosofía hegeliana de la historia mundial, circunscriben el largo proceso revolucionario haitiano en un no-lugar narrativo. Contrario al imaginario político, económico y cultural europeo de fines del siglo XVIII y comienzos del siglo XIX, que vio en la Revolución haitiana un acontecimiento que directa o indirectamente repercute en las transformación geopolítica global, en los discursos abolicionistas y en la flujos comerciales a través del Atlántico, Hegel parece (...)
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    The reduction sentences are easy even within a Popperian view.Miguel López-Astorga - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):89-100.
    Rudolf Carnap proposed three reduction rules to improve scientific language. Those rules indicate when it is correct to add a property in situations in which other properties are already had. Assuming the theory of mental models, it has been shown that the rules are not hard to use from the cognitive point of view. The key to argue that is to accept that the human mind works as dual-process theories claim. According to these theories, people can use two different systems. (...)
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  76.  25
    Reinterpretando a pólis democrática: a tensão da justiça no inquérito de Édipo.Ricardo Manoel de Oliveira Morais & Patricio Tierno - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):161-176.
    O objetivo é analisar algumas interpretações conexas que giram em torno da tensão entre duas concepções da díke em Édipo Rei. Como as tragédias ocupavam um papel privilegiado na pólis ateniense, pode-se dizer que as exibições e festividades trágicas eram uma verdadeira instituição política. Não por acaso se pode afirmar que as peças apontavam para um conflito entre os valores aristocráticos tradicionais e a nova ordem democrática. Tal tensão pode ser evidenciada na investigação promovida por Édipo que se manifesta em (...)
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  77.  25
    Fukuzawa Yukichi's conception of practical learning in "An encouragement of learning" and its historical significance.Nguyen Thanh Nam & Cao Xuan Long - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):81-88.
    The book "An Encouragement of Learning" by Fukuzawa Yukichi (1834 - 1901) is among those that had a significant impact on Japan’s development in the late 19th century and early 20th century. It contains a wealth of original educational theory on a variety of topics, including the function of education, the subject, goal, content, and methodology of practical learning. Fukuzawa Yukichi's perspectives on practical learning still prove to have historical influence on the development of education today.
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    El arte y la filosofía como prevención y sanación. El caso de la violência en Guayaquil, Ecuador.Gerardo Miguel Nieves-Loja & Patricio Sánchez-Quinchuela - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):11-20.
    En primer lugar, el presente artículo analiza la potencialidad que tienen las prácticas artísticas y manifestaciones culturales desarrolladas en zonas periféricas, urbano-marginales de la ciudad de Guayaquil como un mecanismo de integración y cohesión social para prevenir la violencia. Para ello, metodológicamente se propone un abordaje cualitativo de experiencias desarrolladas en este campo por instituciones de cooperación al desarrollo, que trabajan en articulación con la Universidad de las Artes. Se parte entonces de la recopilación de evidencia documentada de ejecución de (...)
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    Raízes ultraconservadoras da direita na perspectiva adorniana.Mara Cristina Pereira - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):179-184.
    Na palestra proferida no ano de 1967, Theodor W. Adorno, um dos grandes pensadores da Escola de Frankfurt, começa ressaltando que não intenciona apresentar uma visão da direita radical na completude que o tema exige, mas sim apontar algumas das características de uma nova direita mais radical do que ele havia abordado em uma palestra no ano de 1959. Dessa forma, frente aos novos elementos socioeconômicos da recente queda do nazifascism, o filósofo alemão considerou necessário abordar novos aspectos do que (...)
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    Building the civic consciousness of the socialist rule of law in Vietnam nowadays.Dung Bui Xuan - 2024 - Aufklärung 10 (3):67-80.
    Vietnam is implementing global socio-economic integration, so the law must also be renovated to meet the requirements of international integration. Because the law is attached to the country's institutions, it shows the consistency in Vietnam's politics, economy, and diplomacy. In the world, the rule of law is a typical value that humanity aims for because it upholds the law, expressing our nation's aspiration for a democratic and equal society. Therefore, Vietnam has built a socialist rule of law. To achieve this, (...)
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