Approaching Religion

ISSN: 1799-3121

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  1.  2
    Narrative and Violence in Just Institutions.Michael Deckard - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):71-87.
    Beginning with images of rampant destruction and violence in our day, Paul Ricœur’s reflections on the political paradox and his “little ethics” (contained in Oneself as Another) are responses to peace and understanding. Ricœur is concerned with questions not only of narrative and embodiment, but also of violence. In situating his theory of personal identity as well as narrative in a country’s identity, is there a role for overcoming violence in understanding oneself through one’s nationality? How might the question of (...)
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  2. Some Remarks upon the Memorial Writing of W.G. Sebald.Marco Franceschina - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):88-102.
    In two well-known passages from Paul Ricœur’s work (Ricœur 1990b, 187; 2006, 260), the author proposes approaching memorial writing of the Holocaust not necessarily in the same terms as historiography. On the basis of these passages, the aim of this article is to further explore Ricœur’s intuition by suggesting a comparison with the prose of a contemporary author who intentionally seeks to create a hybrid between history and fiction: W. G. Sebald. Although Sebald never considered himself a novelist, his writing (...)
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    Toward an Ontology of Peace I.Brian Gregor - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):25-40.
    This essay is the first of two seeking to draw out an ontology of peace from Paul Ricoeur’s thought. This first essay (Part I) argues that Ricoeur’s hermeneutics of creation provides the best starting point because of its insistence on the goodness of created being. Ricoeur develops this conviction from his reading of the biblical creation accounts, which I follow through three texts from three periods of Ricoeur’s work. In The Symbolism of Evil, Ricoeur show that peace rather than violence (...)
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    Toward an Ontology of Peace II.Brian Gregor - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):41-53.
    Following Part I, this essay (Part II) continues my attempt to develop an ontology of peace by drawing resources from Ricœur’s thought. I begin with Augustine, Dionysius, and Aquinas to show that peace is not contrary to our humanity but is a natural desire that runs with the grain of our being. This account is complicated by the category of the irascible, however, which Ricœur interprets as an appetite for difficulty, suggesting the human desire for peace is not directly continuous (...)
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    Occupied Spatiality: Non-Peace in Self-Affirmation.Timo S. Helenius - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):103-118.
    Paul Ricœur considered the theme of non-peace in self-affirmation to have such existential and phenomenological bearing that he devoted his intellectual capacity to explore the self that is never immediately present to oneself or at immediate peace with oneself. Not all reasons for such originating non-peace are well observed in Ricœur scholarship. This article proposes that Ricœur approaches the self by means of occupied spatiality or under the notion of “having” the self. The argument is made that self-affirmation is reliant (...)
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    Peace and Understanding: A Ricoeurian Perspective.Timo Helenius & Björn Vikström - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):1-5.
    Persistent and newly emerging conflicts around the world have made the search for successful conflict resolution imperative. We need insights into how to prevent violent clashes, and how to find ways to peace and reconciliation. Since the 1970s, an increasing number of institutions have started to work on topics such as “peace studies”, “conflict resolution/transformation”, “transitional justice”, and “reconciliation”. The articles published in this issue are based on keynote lectures and presentations held at the workshop “Peace and Understanding: A Ricœurian (...)
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    Reassessing Ricœur’s Contribution to Inter-religious Dialogue amidst Contemporary Critiques of Religion.Marianne Moyaert - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):6-24.
    This article critically examines Paul Ricœur’s philosophical contributions to inter-religious dialogue, focusing on his treatment of religion as a presumed universal category. Ricœur’s insights into religious violence and post-religious faith have influenced scholars advocating non-violent interfaith interactions. However, this article argues that Ricœur’s framework, rooted in a modern Western understanding of religion, neglects critical perspectives from scholars in critical religion studies. These perspectives reveal how the category of religion is historically contingent, Eurocentric, and intertwined with processes of power and exclusion. (...)
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    Narrative Possiblity of Peace and Understanding.Terhi Törmä - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):54-70.
    With its emphasis on action and new possibilities opened by imagination, Paul Ricœur’s narrative theory offers insights to understanding each other in a world of polarized views. His theory is helpful in describing the potential that narrating has in shaping and reshaping the course of action and the possibility for peace. Taking narrative as leading towards peace and understanding makes us attentive to listening to the narratives and those that narrate. While confronting the narrative, one is invited in the world (...)
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    Troublemaker as a Non-intentional Social Activist.Björn Vikström - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (3):119-134.
    There is a tension in Ricœur’s thinking between the undeniable presence of violence and his trust in a primordial goodness of existence. This tension is linked to Ricœur’s understanding of the human being as ambiguous and fragile, torn between freedom and nature, as well as between the voluntary and involuntary dimensions of human action. By analysing articles from the first decades after the Second World War, and especially Ricœur’s discussion of prophetical troublemaking through non--violence, voluntary poverty, and art, and comparing (...)
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    Engaging with the Qur’an.Mulki Al-Sharmani - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):60-74.
    In this article, I examine what selected Muslim women in Finland and Egypt do with the Qur’an in their daily lives. I shed light on their modes of engagement with the Qur’an (spiritual, emotional, intellectual, communal). I analyse how their relationship with the Qur’an is shaped and changes over the course of their life. I pay attention to the interplay between the women’s daily lives and the ways in which they experience, learn from, grapple with, and interpret the text. My (...)
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  11.  13
    Communities of Practice and the Buddhist Education Reforms of Early-Twentieth-Century China.Peter Boros - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):152-169.
    Over the course of only a few decades during the late nineteenth to early twentieth centuries, part of mainstream Buddhist education underwent a striking shift in China. From being a secluded practice within monastery walls taught by monastics for monastics with a strict focus on Buddhist scripture, it became one where monastics and laypeople study together, guided by teachers, both monastic and lay, studying a curriculum of both Buddhist and secular subjects. Although general reforms within the Buddhist community of the (...)
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    Laboratory of Stories.Olivia Cejvan - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):30-43.
    This article develops the concept of community lore, initially devised by the social learning theorists Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger (1991). In extending this promising but hitherto neglected aspect of their work, this article sheds light on how and why community lore sustains and propels teaching and learning in the contemporary esoteric society Sodalitas Rosae Crucis (SRC). Ethnographic findings illuminate how the situated, informal community lore becomes a pervasive learning device that underwrites individual and collective learning, as it emerges in (...)
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    Extraordinary Bodies, Invisible Worlds.Yael Dansac - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):240-247.
    Numerous scholars have signalled that neo-pagan practitioners use their body and their senses to interact with the divine and elaborate a spiritual experience. However, the learning process followed to achieve and produce a sensing body capable of communicating with summoned entities has not been properly assessed, until very recently. For over a decade, I have conducted ethnographic research on neo-pagan ritual practices held at European megalithic sites to understand how practitioners learn to co-construct their somatic experiences culturally. Collected data allowed (...)
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  14.  17
    Esotericism against Capitalism?Aaron French - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):170-189.
    This article seeks a better understanding of how Rudolf Steiner envisioned his reform pedagogy as a site of spiritual learning (for example through art, seasonal festivals, ritual drama, etc.), but also as a specific site intended to resist the encroaching influence of capitalism, materialism, and corporatism spreading in Germany following the First World War. Steiner’s ideas about education did not emerge in a vacuum. He was inspired by and connected with other forms of communist, socialist, and Lebensreform movements in his (...)
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  15.  9
    Hop-on Hop-off Spirituality.Reet Hiiemäe - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):44-59.
    In contemporary spirituality-related thought and behaviour in Estonia (as well as in a number of other regions), a phenomenon can be observed that I call hop-on hop-off spirituality. This means testing and tasting of various forms of contemporary spirituality (via techniques, courses, lectures, books, etc.) out of curiosity or for fun or just because a friend said that this or that teaching has changed their life. Such experimenting can sometimes result in deeper spiritual involvement or change in worldview but often (...)
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    How to Think like an Atheist.Robin Isomaa - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):132-151.
    Atheism has had a strong presence on YouTube since its founding in the mid-2000s, which coincided with the rise of the new atheism movement, and lay atheists were quick to use the platform to spread new atheist ideas. Drawing from a sample of sixty-five atheist YouTube channels located and observed through online ethnographic methods, this article views YouTube videos as educational resources for atheists. It investigates different types of educational videos and ways of thinking about science, philosophy, and religion that (...)
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  17.  14
    Can a case be made for “unlearning” in the study of religions?Kim Knott - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):190-209.
    The concept of “unlearning” has been positively endorsed in both self-help literature and organizational research, but has yet to be discussed in the study of religions. Is there room for it in the conceptual space of religious socialization, pedagogy and spiritual seeking? Where does it occur in the spiritual journey, and what is its purpose? From the perspective of social learning, and drawing on a definition and model from organizational studies, the case for “unlearning” is considered with reference to those (...)
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  18.  10
    Newcomers Learning Religious Ritual.Helena Kupari & Terhi Utriainen - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):10-29.
    In this article, we explore the learning of newcomers in a religious community through a micro-sociological approach, making use of Jean Lave and Etienne Wenger’s (1991) notion of “legitimate peripheral participation” to conceptualize initial stages of inclusion and involvement in social practice. Our case study concerns Orthodox Christianity and is based on material gathered through fieldwork in a course targeting potential new members organized by a Finnish Orthodox parish. In the analysis, we inquire into how beginners learn skilful participation in (...)
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    Learning in the Intimacy of the Guru-Disciple Relationship.Tiina-Mari Mällinen & Terhi Utriainen - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):75-92.
    Our article has two aims: first, to track the ethos of learning and the importance of the guru–disciple relationship in the Amma movement, and secondly, to explore the ways in which one Finnish disciple frames her life though this special relationship. The narrative of the disciple becomes especially interesting in that she is a long-term devotee from Finland who has a background in formal academic learning and works in a socially highly valued and demanding profession – and yet has chosen (...)
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    I used to be a traitor.Igor Mikeshin - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):210-223.
    This article discusses adult conversion in the Russian Baptist community as the unlearning of old sinful ways of living. Russian Baptists see conversion as an act of repentance, surrendering to Christ, and becoming born again, and as a life-long process of growing in faith. Based on an ethnographic study of the Baptist community in north-western and central Russia, the article discusses the glocal nature of the Russian Baptist community that attracts the kind of people that convert to this faith and (...)
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    Sohbet.Emine Neval - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):93-112.
    Sohbet (conversation) is a weekly, informal, religious-learning gathering that has been conducted by members of the Islamic Hizmet/Gülen Movement since its inception. The movement was established in Turkey in 1966 by Fethullah Gülen and his followers. It has evolved into a transnational social movement through educational, dialogical, and humanitarian aid/entrepreneurial activities. The movement was held responsible by the Turkish government for the so-called coup attempt in 2016. Tens of thousands of members fled, and the movement’s centre of gravity shifted from (...)
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    Caring for Health, Bodies, and Development.Katarina Plank, Helene Egnell & Linnea Lundgren - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):113-131.
    Over the last fifty years a plethora of new spiritual practices has emerged in the Church of Sweden. Many fall within a category of holistic practices, aimed at engaging body, soul, and spirit. Among these, two categories are dominant: meditations and movement-based bodily practices. Some of these practices are contested by other Christians on a theological basis. The article asks: Who are the new ritual specialists teaching these practices? Why do they teach these practices? Why in the church? By using (...)
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  23.  13
    Religion and Spirituality as Sites of Learning.Terhi Utriainen, Ville Husgafvel, Kim Knott & Ruth Illman - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):1-9.
    Learning penetrates religion in many ways. Primary religious socialisation – sometimes referred to as religious nurture – is the process by which children are explicitly and purposefully taught to do things religiously or they learn implicitly by following what their families and other people around them do, speak and feel. In secondary religious socialisation one sets about learning something additional to or different from what was learned and internalised in one’s religious or non-religious childhood home and surroundings. Secondary socialisation may (...)
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  24.  10
    Gendered and Embodied Un/learning among Women Disengaging from Faith in the UK and Finland.Nella van den Brandt & Teija Rantala - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (2):224-239.
    Women often embody the central values and practices of their religious tradition. When they leave their community, women find a part of the “religious tapestry” remaining with them long after their disengagement. In this article, we draw from research in the UK and Finland to explore women’s efforts to unlearn parts of their former religious belonging. We draw on in total thirty-five interviews with women who disengaged from the Mormon Church, Jehovah’s Witnesses and Conservative Laestadianism. We conceptualize un/learning as a (...)
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  25.  17
    Innovation of a Master Wonder-worker in the Character of Simon Peter.Carl Johan Berglund - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):99-114.
    Simon Peter undergoes a considerable development from his first introduction in the Gospel of Mark to later narratives, where he gains remarkable miraculous abilities. In Mark, he witnesses Jesus performing numerous miracles without himself being named as the performer of a single one, but in Matthew’s Gospel Peter walks on water (Matt 14:22–33), in Acts he heals two paralytics and raises a woman from the dead (Acts 3:1–10; 9:32–42), and in the fourth-century Latin Acts of Peter, also known as Actus (...)
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  26.  13
    Retrieved Altar Cross of the Luther Church Helsinki.Jakob Dahlbacka - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):71-85.
    The topic of this article is religious materiality in a Finnish, Lutheran setting. Reflecting on the altar cross of the Luther Church Helsinki – and more specifically the elevated role the cross played in the re-opening of the church in 2016 – the article supports the argument of recent scholars that Protestant engagement with materiality is not unambiguously negative but rather ambivalent. Using James Bielo’s concept of “legitimizing frames” – i.e. boundaries or landmarks within which Protestants feel safe enough to (...)
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  27.  25
    Religion: Memory and Innovation.Tuija Hovi, Mika Vähäkangas & Ruth Illman - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):1-3.
    The current issue of Approaching Religion is based on a summer school and conference arranged in Åbo/Turku, Finland, in June 2023, on the theme of “Religion: Memory and Innovation”. The event was organized jointly by the Polin Institute for Theological Research (Åbo Akademi University), the Centre for the Study of Christian Cultures (University of Turku) and the Donner Institute for Research in Religion and Culture. The aim was to bring together doctoral candidates and researchers from various academic fields that engage (...)
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  28.  10
    Contexts of Altar Flowers.Heidi Jokinen - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):55-70.
    Flowers are placed on the altar in many Christian churches. However, while many other items on the altar have given rise to a vast body of theological research, this is not the case with altar flowers. In this article the author makes a constructive contribution to the theology of altar flowers and looks at the contexts in which altar flowers are imagined and how these can help to illustrate theological elements. Two initial contexts for altar flowers are assumed: the liturgical (...)
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  29.  11
    Kalevala and Finland's Atlantean Past.Ossi Korpi - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):4-20.
    Nationalistic interpretations of history were prevalent in Finland until the Second World War. A unifying past for Finns was sought in antiquity, often influenced by interpretations of the Kalevala, regarded as the Finnish national epic. The Kalevala also inspired writers in the Theosophical Society, who promoted various alternative views of humanity’s past. In this article, I analyse the late 1930s writings of Wilho “Willie” Angervo (1875–1938), a medical colonel and author who had a central role in the Finnish Order of (...)
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    My soul must live with the colour.Sari Kuuva - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):37-54.
    The article focuses on the transformative potential of colours described by Rudolf Steiner. Steiner’s colour definitions are approached through the aesthetics of religion, investigating religion as a sensory and mediated practice. The goal is to clarify the identifiable features of the anthroposophical use of colour and how the Steinerian conception of colour relates to the anthroposophical worldview. Steiner’s conception of colours was strongly influenced not only by theosophy but also by J. W. von Goethe’s theory of colour and his ideas (...)
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  31.  24
    Mapping the Memories of “Living on Light”.Ilona Raunola - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):21-36.
    In this article a case study of the phenomenon of “living on light” is presented. The interlocutor “Eva” shares her memories from the period when she did not eat material food. Actor-network theory (ANT) is adopted to analyse the interview. This methodological framework sheds light on the connections between interacting human and non-human entities and thus reveals their agency. The phase of living on light appears to Eva as part of her personal spiritual progress. At the same time, relations with (...)
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  32.  19
    Suppressed, Adopted and Invented Memories.Kari Syreeni - 2024 - Approaching Religion 14 (1):86-98.
    The Gospel of John reflects several layers of social memory and theological creativity concerning Jesus’s death. In the early material, there seems to be a suppressed awareness of Jesus’s fate and an unwillingness to unfold it in narrative form – something that recalls the hypothetical sayings gospel Q and the Gospel of Thomas. There is also a search for alternative, figurative ways to visualize the endpoint of Jesus’s earthly life. Eventually, the narrative memory of Jesus’s passion, as told in Mark (...)
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