Philosophical Horizons

ISSNs: 2075-1443, 2412-2335

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  1.  5
    “Korean Wave” as a Massive Popular Cultural Phenomenon of the Modern Time.Е Дарюга - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:49-60.
    Nowadays, young people from all over the world are fascinated by the mass popular culture of South Korea. This process of spread of Korean culture in the world came to be called “Korean current” or “Korean wave”, which became a kind of “Korean cultural boom”. The spread of the “Korean wave” has been compared to a viral disease that first spread throughout East Asia, then Southeast Asia, and eventually engulfed the entire world. Despite the fact that the phenomenon of the (...)
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  2.  5
    Perception of the Values of the Previous Era in the Paradigms of « Prominent Philosophers and Writers.В Опенько - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:102-109.
    Disputes about the “uniqueness” of one’s era in comparison with the achievements of previous ones have always been a “cornerstone” in the perception of past concepts regarding the values of the achievements of predecessors. However, at one time, Confucius said his world-famous phrase that if you don’t look back, there is no way forward. But many people are not interested in their past. That is why the “Querelle des Anciens et des Modernes” in the form of a literary debate, centered (...)
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    Images of Aristocrates and Common People in the Tragedies of Benjamin Johnson.Р Підпалий - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:93-101.
    The article describes the interpersonal relationships of various states of society of the «post-Shakespearean» era in the artistic work of the outstanding English playwright and actor Benjamin Johnson. Relying on sources and scientific literature, the author of the article tries to recreate the layer of everyday life in London at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries, to reveal the problem of the «survival» of actors in the first stationary theater «Globus», their attempts to communicate with aristocrats, the attitude (...)
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    Cancel Culture as a Tool of Social Influence.К Палій - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:61-69.
    Cancel culture necessitates a thorough examination for optimizing the efficacy of reputation management and societal influence. It’s essential to assess its effectiveness in driving social change, recognize ethical nuances, and pinpoint potential issues. Originally a value-driven phenomenon, it has evolved into a manipulative tool, amplifying societal emotions. Despite attempts at crisis communication, it often fails to alleviate the consequences for individuals or businesses subjected to «cancellation». The purpose of the study. The article explores cancel culture as a mechanism for social (...)
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    Didactic Analysis of the Panslavistic Mythology in the Philosophical Reflections of Ivan Mirchuk.В Прокопенко - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:17-26.
    In the article, the author analyzes the views of the leading ideologues of the concept of pan-Slavism in the Russian Empire, who, according to Ivan Mirchuk, had a decisive influence on the formation of the modern ideological mythologeme of the hegemony of the Russian state on a planetary scale and contributed to the deepening of ideological differences between Western and Eastern civilizations. Using the example of the arguments of representatives of the Slavophile stream of Russian Pan-Slavism regarding its messianic role (...)
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    Analysis of the Isidore of Seville’s Method Based on His Creative Works Etymologiae, Differentiae, de Summo Bono.М Сайбеков - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:27-39.
    Problem’s statement. This article is the result of a study of the historical context in which Isidore of Seville is inserted as an author, as the creator of a unique method, which became the result of his hard work. But in order to describe the method of Isidore of Seville, it is necessary to outline the range of problems that arise before us. Due to serious political and social upheavals in the Western Roman Empire, the preservation of education comes to (...)
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  7.  5
    Interpretation of Literary Works in the Choreographic Art of Ukraine of the 20Th – Early 21St Centuries.Л Сокіл - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:81-92.
    The article deals with the determining role of the primary literary source on the Ukrainian theme in the creation of ballets. This made it possible to assert that at the junction of various arts, choreography and its special plastic form contribute to the creation of new avant-garde forms of art, thereby realizing the richest artistic potential of the direction. Based on this, it becomes clear that the relationship between literary and choreographic arts is close, because it affects the enrichment of (...)
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    The Image of Jazz in Ukrainian Popular Music and the Significance of Subcultures in It.І Цебрій & Є Дудник - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:70-80.
    The image of jazz in Ukrainian pop music is reproduced, the subcultures that dominate its modern manifestations are shown: African music, Irish-European melodies and rhythms, the interaction between pop music and folklore, a diametrically symmetrical structure, the appropriate composition of variable phrases (voice-instrument), various combinations of timbre acoustic electronics, a fusion of Ukrainian folklore and rock music. But, first of all, it is a harmonious combination of Afro-European traditions with Ukrainian folklore, its best examples. The article also talks about the (...)
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  9.  5
    Critical Analiysis of the Concept of «Universal Concreteness» in Voltaire’s Philosophy.С Шейко - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:8-16.
    The article presents a critical analysis of the concept of «universal concreteness» in Voltaire’s philosophy. The content of the ontological and epistemological foundations of Voltaire’s worldview in his historical-philosophical searches is revealed. The abstract nature of the principles of deism and «universal unity» in the philosophy of the French enlightener is the result of the influence of the one-sidedness of representatives of empiricism and rationalism. Voltaire and his associates in their philosophical constructions, argued G. Hegel, proceeded from the principle of (...)
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  10.  9
    Identity in the Context of Spectacular Forms of Mass Communication.Т Шелупахіна - 2024 - Philosophical Horizons 48:40-48.
    The modern era is characterised by global changes based on the acceleration and continuous «incitement» of civilisational processes. The complex collisions of life were reflected in the public consciousness by the actualisation of the identity problem, which acquired special significance. Therefore, many reasons can be given, but we will emphasise only such. First, the existing anthropological situation is marked by all the signs of novelty and unusualness; social life reveals a steady tendency to weaken individual identifications with traditional (ethnos) and (...)
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