In this Editorial Introduction to the 31st volume of _Dialogue and Universalism_ (3rd issue), Dr. Allinson comments on the current anti-intellectual currents that plague many, if not most, nations worldwide. He reminds that, despite its incendiary history, the Enlightened Age of the 18th century remains an age that, in its intent, wanted to throw off the shackles of medieval thinking and promote the flowering of human inquiry and the actualization of the human ability to realize the capacities of reason to its very fullest extent. Dr. Allinson then proceeds to outline the contents of the issue, ranging from Female Emancipation, Non-European Enlightenment, Reason and Religion, and the Metaphysics of Enlightenment. The Editorial ends with a call to broaden the horizons of the Enlightenment to fashion a New Enlightenment for the 21st century, which builds its foundations from philosophies worldwide, a task whose beginning can be seen in this issue.