ICAG 2023 - VI International Conference on Architecture and Gender
Valencia, Spain: Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València (
In 2023, Valencia will host the sixth edition of this congress, with the research theme (International) Archive of Women in Architecture. The event will be linked to the IAWA International Archive of Women in Architecture, so that part of the material produced at this congress will be linked to the IAWA collections, and there will be a specific call for the 1×1 IAWA project, led by Paola Zellner, a member of the IAWA executive committee at Virginia Tech. Also organised in parallel to the congress will be the workshop Nuestras Arquitectas, aimed at students and interested members of the public, which will investigate the women architects who have contributed to the shaping of the city of Valencia. This workshop will be led by Inés Moisset, Carolina Quiroga and Verónica Benedet, researchers responsible for this line of research in Argentina, linked to Un día Una arquitecta and LINA research groups.
The city of Valencia, the Universitat Politècnica de València and the ETS Arquitectura UPV will host an event of great international impact in a field of study clearly aligned with the SDGs and the expectations of progress of the city and the UPV.