Causal Agency and Responsibility: A Refinement of STIT Logic
We propose a refinement of STIT logic to make it suitable to model causal
agency and responsibility in basic multi-agent scenarios in which agents can interfere
with one another. We do this by supplementing STIT semantics, first, with action
types and, second, with a relation of opposing between action types. We exploit
these novel elements to represent a test for potential causation, based on an intuitive
notion of expected result of an action, and two tests for actual causation from the
legal literature, i.e. the but-for and the NESS tests. We then introduce three new
STIT operators modeling corresponding notions of causal responsibility, which we
call potential, strong, and plain responsibility, and use them to provide a fine-grained
analysis of a number of case studies involving both individual agents and groups.