The article focuses on Patočka early phenomenological thought developed
around the concept of the natural world. More precisely, the aim of the article is to explore
Patočka recently published manuscript studies and fragments, dating from the first half of
the 1940s, in which Patočka attempts to establish a deeper living correlation between man
and world based on a certain metaphysical conception of nature which is not, as for
Husserl, just one of the horizons which experiencing creates around itself, nor it is just a
basis on which the harmony of experiencing and its evironment must develop, but in which
nature also includes an aspect which is closed and alien to subjectivity. In this way, the
article shows that Patočka makes a step beyond of Husserl's and Heidegger's schemes of a
correlation of life and world, understanding and being. The article thus shows that Patočka
early writings throw a certain amount of light on his later phenomenological work that had
been most notably developed from 1960s onwards.