Cognitive scientists and neuroscientists typically understand the brain as a complex communication/information-processing system. A limitation of this framework is that it requires cognitive systems to have prior knowledge about their environment to successfully perform some of their basic functions, such as perceiving. It is unclear how the source of such knowledge can be explained from within this framework. Drawing on Dennett (1981), we refer to this as the loans of intelligence problem. Recent advances in machine learning have resulted in the development of a family of algorithms, including the class known as autoencoders, that seem to provide a way for the information-processing framework to avoid this problem: cognitive systems do not require loans of intelligence, but instead acquire the knowledge necessary for perception through a process of unsupervised learning. This paper argues that although autoencoders do avoid the loans of intelligence problem, how they do so should not be understood from within the information-processing framework. Instead, their success should be interpreted as a proof of concept of how neural networks can attune to Gibsonian information. We thus propose that autoencoders belong to a class of algorithms for modeling the brain that have recently been dubbed direct fit algorithms.