The major point in [1] chapter 2 is the following claim:
“Any formalized system for the Theory of Computation based on Classical Logic and Turing Model of Computation leads us to a contradiction.”
So, in the case we wish to save Classical Logic we should change our Computational Model.
As we see in chapter two, the mentioned contradiction is about and around the concept of time, as it is in the contradiction of modified version of paradox. It is natural to try fabricating the paradox not by time but in some other linear ordering or the concept of space. Interestingly, the attempts to have similar contradiction by the other concepts like space and linear ordering, is failed.
It is remarkable that, the paradox is considered either Epistemological or Logical traditionally, but by new considerations the new version of paradox should be considered as either Logical or Physical paradox.
Hence, in order to change our Computational Model, it is natural to change the concept of time, but how?
We start from some models that are different from the classical one but they are intuitively plausible.
The idea of model is somewhat introduced by Brouwer and Husserl [3].
This model doesn’t refute the paradox, since the paradox and the associated contradiction would be repeated in this new model. The model is introduced in [2]. Here we give some more explanations.