私法의 統一과 國際物品賣買契約에 관한 유엔협약 (CISG)

인권과 정의 406:7-26 (2010)
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In retrospect of Hague convention on international sale of goods, the efforts had been poured in the initiative of UNCITRAL since 1968 triggering more welcome international treaty on the area of law. The efforts came to reality where the committee in action, comprised of 14 countries, concluded a final draft in 1978. In 1980, it was adopted as United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods(CISG). While the treaty is deemed a marvellous success within the purview of uniform private laws, it is also true that there arises a severe criticism. One of criticism points to imprecise and ambiguous terms CISG employs that harms the uniformity in its interpretation. However, I would support the strength of CISG that CISG can be interpreted consistently in itself in terms of its international character, which means imprecision of CISG, short coverage of hardship issues, imbalance between parties, and inept nature to commodity transactions. In support of CISG, these criticisms either overlook the intrinsic difficulties underlying production of the uniform laws or seems to be groundless on various points of views. On the other hand, the true uniform laws presuppose uniformity in the application of treaty. We can see some extent of difference in terms of the role of precedents between the common law and civil law countries. It is encouraging that the recent practice of civil law countries, including Italy, Poland, Denmark and so on, tend to cite the foreign precedents for the cases of CISG laws. Within the regime of common law countries, the rule of “stare decisis” prescribes that the national precedents should govern as binding authority while those of other common law countries function to be a persuasive authority. This means that the practice of civil law countries has considerably developed as similar to that of common law counterparts. While they seem to use foreign precedents as persuasive authority like their counterparts, or in the least accept as inspirational authority, the application of CISG grows to be made in a shared fashion for true uniform laws. This development seems to prosper at the advent of academic database as well as the contribution of CISG experts.

Other Versions

original Kim, Kiyoung (1996) "民事訴訟法의 理想과 立證責任論의 再照明". 법학논문집 121(1):53-77
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (1999) "대법원과 헌법재판소간의 권한쟁의". 공법연구 276(/):116-
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2000) "미국에서의 평등권에 관한 이론". Studies on the Asia-Pacific Public Law 7():83-113
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2000) "判例取消 등 憲法訴願". 헌법판례연구 296():465-
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2002) "미합중국 연방의회 및 연방법원의 권한에 관한 고찰". 저스티스 67(/):32-53
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2005) "國際通商秩序上 多國籍企業의 人權保障에 관한 所論". 법조 589(/):124-162
edition Kim, Kiyoung (2005) " 通商의 국내적 규제와 司法審査 -美國國際貿易法院의 반덤핑관할권에 관한 판례의 태도와 관할권문제의 性格과 意義 (Judicial Review of the International Trade Administration in USA: How it Perceives its Jurisdictional Dispute concerning the Anti-dumping laws and its Implications for South Korea)". 기업법연구 19(3):73-105
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2006) "美國通商法上 禁輸措置(Embargo)에 관한 法理". 기업법연구 20(3):315-346
edition Kim, Kiyoung (2006) " 理想과 現實, 그리고 改革 : 國際社會의 변화와 世界的 次元의 民主主義와 法治主義". 법조 599(/):
edition Kim, Kiyoung (2006) "國際通商에서의 法治主義 : 世界貿易機構(WTO) 抗訴機構의 몇가지 문제점". 인권과 정의 357(/):70-89
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2007) "버드법(Byrd Amendment)에 대한 司法審査의 意義와 示唆點". 법조 610():186-220
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2007) "超國家法 (Non-State Norms)을 통한 私法의 국제적 통일에 관한 小考". 인권과 정의 372(/):73-90
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2008) "사회적 기본권의 법적 성격에 관한 반추-진보적 이해를 위한 몇가지 시각". 법학논총 15(1):143-165
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2009) "美國憲法上 北美自由貿易協定(NAFTA) 紛爭解決節次의 違憲性에 관한 약간의 考察". 법학논총 16(1):221-252
edition Kim, Kiyoung (2009) "國際政治와 法哲學: 憲法과 國際法의 接點에서". 유럽헌법연구 5(/):369-402
reprint Kim, Kiyoung (2011) "국제통상법에 있어 세계적 정의의 개념에 관한 소고 (The global Justice and International trade regime)". 법학논총 18(2):527-557
edition Kim, Kiyoung (2017) "민주헌법관과 촛불시위 사이에서: 민주주의에 대한 두 유형의 실험실을 돌아보며". Chosun Law Journal 24(3):101-139



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