Algerian research in literature and sociology remains marginalized in the international scientific arena. Globalization has not allowed a move away from colonial dependency towards global equal opportunity. On the contrary, reliance on France and the French language has re-emerged as a way of gaining access to Europe and the English-speaking world. While “international” has become a buzz-world and a model in Algerian research, internationalization now takes place on a wider scale, but has lost in quality what it has gained in quantity. Nevertheless, the unequal structure of the international scientific space is not immutable. Activists’ desires to reduce international scientific inequalities have been productive in both Francophone and particularly Arabophone international spaces. Moreover, not all researchers view internationalization as a desideratum: while the discourse of de-Westernizing science seems to have diminished, some researchers, volens nolens, believe that the political role of their research within Algeria is more important than their international visibility.