Consumers mainly acquire information through social learning in online shopping environment, and social presence as a media attribute generated by real-time interactions in live streaming commerce is more conducive for consumers’ social learning. Therefore, it is worth investigating the roles of social presence and social learning on consumers’ purchase intention in the strong interactive environment. Based on social cognitive theory framework and drawing on social presence theory and social learning theory, this study investigates the relationships among social presence, social learning process, and PI. Social presence is operationalized into social presence of others and social presence of interactions, whereas social learning process contains external interaction process [exploitative learning and exploratory learning ] and internal psychological process [cognitive appraisal and affective appraisal AAP)]. The results from a survey of 372 consumers of live streaming commerce indicate that SPO and SPI positively affect ETL and ERL and then contribute significantly to the building of CAP and AAP, which can lead to PI. The findings also provide guidance for brand managers and retailers in building more effective interactive atmosphere and promoting consumers’ positive attitude toward brands in live streaming marketing.