Micro-expression is an extremely quick and uncontrollable facial movement that lasts for 40–200 ms and reveals thoughts and feelings that an individual attempts to cover up. Though much more difficult to detect and recognize, ME recognition is similar to macro-expression recognition in that it is influenced by facial features. Previous studies suggested that facial attractiveness could influence facial expression recognition processing. However, it remains unclear whether facial attractiveness could also influence ME recognition. Addressing this issue, this study tested 38 participants with two ME recognition tasks in a static condition or dynamically. Three different MEs at two attractiveness levels. The results showed that participants recognized MEs on attractive faces much quicker than on unattractive ones, and there was a significant interaction between ME and facial attractiveness. Furthermore, attractive happy faces were recognized faster in both the static and the dynamic conditions, highlighting the happiness superiority effect. Therefore, our results provided the first evidence that facial attractiveness could influence ME recognition in a static condition or dynamically.