Linguistic Potential of Biosemiotics in Sign Systems Research
The paper outlines the emergence of biosemiotics (global semiotics, cyber semiotics) a new scientific approach, which appeared in a result of transformation in the scientific paradigms at the end of the XX
century and the beginning of the XXI century. The author also highlights the reasons for such emergence and the potential of biosemiotics in analyzing autopoietic sign systems.
The essence of biosemiotics as a science of organic sign systems and its status in the humanitarian knowledge paradigm has been defined. The application of analytical and interpretative methods, in combination with the historical approach, allowed us to trace a chronology of biosemiotics formation as well as its modern state of the art. It has been contended, due to a synergy of biology and semiotics,
philosophy, and ethics, modern sign theory broadened its focus to the research in all alive sign systems (Thomas A. Sebeok, 2000) and acquired a new name “biosemiotics”. The prospects of future research lie in applying methods of biosemiotics to narrative discourse analysis