We study algorithmic randomness notions via effective versions of almost-everywhere theorems from analysis and ergodic theory. The effectivization is in terms of objects described by a computably enumerable set, such as lower semicomputable functions. The corresponding randomness notions are slightly stronger than Martin–Löf randomness.We establish several equivalences. Given a ML-random realz, the additional randomness strengths needed for the following are equivalent.all effectively closed classes containingzhave density 1 atz.all nondecreasing functions with uniformly left-c.e. increments are differentiable atz.zis a Lebesgue point of each lower semicomputable integrable function.We also consider convergence of left-c.e. martingales, and convergence in the sense of Birkhoff’s pointwise ergodic theorem. Lastly, we study randomness notions related to density of${\rm{\Pi }}_n^0$and${\rm{\Sigma }}_1^1$classes at a real.