The Gulf of Identity: A Logical Analysis of our Contemporary Obsession with Social Identification


The broadening of society—the warm embracing of those who were once excluded—is a beautiful process. Throughout the last half-century society has progressed in ways utterly unfathomable to our not-so-distant ancestors. Yet, the basis on which contemporary societal enrichment now stands—the development and solidification of identity—is not exempt from critique. Within this paper I contend that the conceptual grounding of our contemporary obsession with identity is untenable. It is not the fact that various social “identities” are empowered that is dangerous, rather, it is the polarization between the various identities and the peculiar dynamic that arises that proves problematic. I begin by drawing attention to some problematic conceptions and logical issues within the process of societal-identity dynamic. Additionally, a new conceptual notion, “the gulf of identity” is broached, and I discuss its composition and how it relates to the Rawlsian “veil of ignorance”. To conclude, I broach a possible restructuring of this framework, modifying it in hopes that it better accommodates all groups, discussing the popular issue of “toleration of the intolerant” along the way.

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Jonathan Mize
University of North Texas

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