The main notion dealt with in this article is where A is a Boolean algebra. A partition of 1 is a family ofnonzero pairwise disjoint elements with sum 1. One of the main reasons for interest in this notion is from investigations about maximal almost disjoint families of subsets of sets X, especially X=ω. We begin the paper with a few results about this set-theoretical notion.Some of the main results of the paper are:• (1) If there is a maximal family of size λ≥κ of pairwise almost disjoint subsets of κ each of size κ, then there is a maximal family of size λ of pairwise almost disjoint subsets of κ+ each of size κ.• (2) A characterization of the class of all cardinalities of partitions of 1 in a product in terms of such classes for the factors; and a similar characterization for weak products.• (3) A cardinal number characterization of sets of cardinals with a largest element which are for some BA the set of all cardinalities of partitions of 1 of that BA.• (4) A computation of the set of cardinalities of partitions of 1 in a free product of finite-cofinite algebras